Самоучитель английского языка. Урок 34. Чтение

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You can read the text, you must read it well.
/jʊ kæn riːd ðə tekst jʊ mʌst riːd ɪt wel/

Translate it.
/trænsˈleɪt ɪt/

You can translate it well.
/jʊ kæn trænsˈleɪt ɪt wel/

Write the English words almost, each, only, when.
/raɪt ðiː ˈɪŋglɪʃ wɜːdz ˈɔːlməʊst iːʧ ˈəʊnlɪ wen/

Translate them.
/trænsˈleɪt ðəm/

Tell me the Russian words which mean come, go, world, ship.
/tel miː ðə ˈrʌʃən wɜːdz wɪʧ miːn kʌm gəʊ wɜːld ʃɪp/

Translate this part of the text.
/trænsˈleɪt ðɪs pɑːt əv ðə tekst/

You may take my book.
/jʊ meɪ teɪk maɪ bʊk/

Find the Atlantic Ocean on the map.
/faɪnd ðiː ətˈlæntɪk ˈəʊʃən ɒn ðə mæp/

Find the other oceans.
/faɪnd ðiː ˈʌðə ˈəʊʃənz/

This note is for you.
/ðɪs nəʊt ɪz fə jʊ/

These books are for our friend.
/ðiːz bʊks ə fər ˈaʊə frend/

They can find almost any city on this map.
/ðeɪ kæn faɪnd ˈɔːlməʊst ˈenɪ ˈsɪtɪ ɒn ðɪs mæp/

Find this small river.
/faɪnd ðɪs smɔːl ˈrɪvə/

I can see many large ships on the river.
/aɪ kæn siː ˈmenɪ lɑːʤ ʃɪps ɒn ðə ˈrɪvə/

I must find my bag and put this English book into it.
/aɪ mʌst faɪnd maɪ bæg ənd pʊt ðɪs ˈɪŋglɪʃ bʊk ˈɪntuː ɪt/

You may go.
/jʊ meɪ gəʊ/

You may tell this to the other workers.
/jʊ meɪ tel ðɪs tə ðiː ˈʌðə ˈwɜːkəz/

You can go by railway.
/jʊ kæn gəʊ baɪ ˈreɪlweɪ/

I want to go by railway.
/aɪ wɒnt tə gəʊ baɪ ˈreɪlweɪ/

[/tab] [tab title=”текст без транскрипции”]

You can read the text, you must read it well.
Translate it.
You can translate it well.
Write the English words almost, each, only, when.
Translate them.
Tell me the Russian words which mean come, go, world, ship.
Translate this part of the text.
You may take my book.
Find the Atlantic Ocean on the map.
Find the other oceans.
This note is for you.
These books are for our friend.
They can find almost any city on this map.
Find this small river.
I can see many large ships on the river.
I must find my bag and put this English book into it.
You may go.
You may tell this to the other workers.
You can go by railway.
I want to go by railway.

[/tab] [tab title=”слова к тексту”]

you [jʊ] ты, вы, тебя, тебе, вам, вас
can [kæn] мочь
read [riːd] читать
text [tekst] текст
must [mʌst] должен
it [ɪt] это
well [wel] хорошо
translate [trænsˈleɪt] переводить
write [raɪt] писать
English [ˈɪŋglɪʃ] английский
word [wɜːd] слово
almost [ˈɔːlməʊst] почти
each [iːʧ] каждый
only [ˈəʊnlɪ] только
when [wen] когда
them [ðəm] им, их
tell [tel] говорить
me [miː] мне, меня
Russian [ˈrʌʃən] русский
which [wɪʧ] который
mean [miːn] значить
come [kʌm] приходить
go [gəʊ] идти, ехать
world [wɜːld] мир
ship [ʃɪp] корабль
this [ðɪs] это, этот, эта
part [pɑːt] часть
of [ɒv] предлог родит падежа (кого? чего?)
may [meɪ] мочь
take [teɪk] брать
my [maɪ] мой
book [bʊk] книга
find [faɪnd] находить
Atlantic [ətˈlæntɪk] Атлантический
ocean [ˈəʊʃən] океан
on [ɒn] на
map [mæp] карта
other [ˈʌðə] другой
note [nəʊt] запись
is [ɪz] есть, является
for [fə] для
these [ðiːz] эти
are [ə] есть, являются
our [ˈaʊə] наш, наши
friend [frend] друг
they [ðeɪ] они
any [ˈenɪ] любой, какой-нибудь
city [ˈsɪtɪ] город
small [smɔːl] маленький
river [ˈrɪvə] река
see [siː] видеть
many [ˈmenɪ] много
large [lɑːʤ] большой
bag [bæg] сумка
and [ənd] и
put [pʊt] класть, ставить
into [ˈɪntʊ] в
to [tʊ] к
worker [ˈwɜːkə] рабочий
or [ə] или
by [baɪ] на (каком-либо транспорте)
railway [ˈreɪlweɪ] железная дорога
want [wɒnt] хотеть

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