Самоучитель английского языка. Урок 18. Текст

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We see a map.
/wi siː ə mæp/

We study the map.
/wi ˈstʌdɪ ðə mæp/

We study geography.
/wi ˈstʌdɪ ʤɪˈɒgrəfɪ/

We see a large N at the top.
/wi siː ə lɑːʤ ən ət ðə tɒp/

It means North.
/ɪt miːnz nɔːθ/

We see a large S at the bottom.
/wi siː ə lɑːʤ əs ət ðə ˈbɒtəm/

It means South.
/ɪt miːnz saʊθ/

We see a large E on the right.
/wi siː ə lɑːʤ iː ɒn ðə raɪt/

It means East.
/ɪt miːnz iːst/

The large W on the left means West.
/ðə lɑːʤ dʌbl jʊ ɒn ðə left miːnz west/

Find the South Pole on the map.
/faɪnd ðə saʊθ pəʊl ɒn ðə mæp/

Find the North Pole.
/faɪnd ðə nɔːθ pəʊl/

Find the left side.
/faɪnd ðə left saɪd/

Find the right side.
/faɪnd ðə raɪt saɪd/

Find the top and the bottom.
/faɪnd ðə tɒp ənd ðə ˈbɒtəm/

Let your friend find the Black Sea.
/let jə frend faɪnd ðə blæk siː/

He finds it on his map.
/hiː faɪndz ɪt ɒn hɪz mæp/

Open your book and let all our friends see that map.
/ˈəʊpən jə bʊk ənd let ɔːl ˈaʊə frendz siː ðæt mæp/

They see it well.
/ðeɪ siː ɪt wel/

Take your notebooks and make notes!
/teɪk jə ˈnəʊtbʊks ənd meɪk nəʊts/

We all take our notebooks and write.
/wi ɔːl teɪk ˈaʊə ˈnəʊtbʊks ənd raɪt/

Take a pencil, Ann!
/teɪk ə ˈpensl æn/

She takes a black pencil and writes a large N. .
/ʃiː teɪks ə blæk ˈpensl ənd raɪts ə lɑːʤ en /

It means North.
/ɪt miːnz nɔːθ/

We see Ann.
/wi siː æn/

We see her.
/wi siː hɜː/

We know Peter.
/wi nəʊ ˈpiːtə/

We know him.
/wi nəʊ hɪm/

We know Peter and Ann.
/wi nəʊ ˈpiːtə ənd æn/

We see them.
/wi siː ðəm/

Ann takes a box and puts the pencil in the box.
/æn teɪks ə bɒks ənd pʊts ðə ˈpensl ɪn ðə bɒks/

Peter puts the box in his bag.
/ˈpiːtə pʊts ðə bɒks ɪn hɪz bæg/

Give me your pencil.
/gɪv miː jə ˈpensl/

Give me your black pencil.
/gɪv miː jə blæk ˈpensl/

Peter puts this pencils in the box.
/ˈpiːtə pʊts ðɪs ˈpenslz ɪn ðə bɒks/

He puts them in the box.
/hiː pʊts ðəm ɪn ðə bɒks/

He puts that box on the table.
/hiː pʊts ðæt bɒks ɒn ðə ˈteɪbl/

We put those boxes on the table.
/wi pʊt ðəʊz ˈbɒksɪz ɒn ðə ˈteɪbl/

We take them.
/wi teɪk ðəm/

Peter gives me his book.
/ˈpiːtə gɪvz miː hɪz bʊk/

Open your books, Ann and Peter!
/ˈəʊpən jə bʊks æn ənd ˈpiːtə/

We open our books.
/wi ˈəʊpən ˈaʊə bʊks/

We read them.
/wi riːd ðəm/

We read the text.
/wi riːd ðə tekst/

Ann reads the text.
/æn riːdz ðə tekst/

She reads it well because she knows the words.
/ʃiː riːdz ɪt wel bɪˈkɒz ʃiː nəʊz ðə wɜːdz/

I read my notes.
/aɪ riːd maɪ nəʊts/

Read this word.
/riːd ðɪs wɜːd/

We read these words.
/wi riːd ðiːz wɜːdz/

We know them.
/wi nəʊ ðəm/

We know all these words.
/wi nəʊ ɔːl ðiːz wɜːdz/

Write a word!
/raɪt ə wɜːd/

Peter writes it.
/ˈpiːtə raɪts ɪt/

Let me take your notebooks.
/let miː teɪk jə ˈnəʊtbʊks/

Make a plan, we make our plans.
/meɪk ə plæn wi meɪk ˈaʊə plænz/

We take these plans and study them.
/wi teɪk ðiːz plænz ənd ˈstʌdɪ ðəm/

We study them well.
/wi ˈstʌdɪ ðəm wel/

We read and write and make notes.
/wi riːd ənd raɪt ənd meɪk nəʊts/

We see the map well.
/wi siː ðə mæp wel/

We see the Black Sea at the bottom.
/wi siː ðə blæk siː ət ðə ˈbɒtəm/

We see the White Sea at the top.
/wi siː ðə waɪt siː ət ðə tɒp/

We see the North at the top, the South at the bottom, the East on the right and the West on the left.
/wi siː ðə nɔːθ ət ðə tɒp ðə saʊθ ət ðə ˈbɒtəm ðiː iːst ɒn ðə raɪt ənd ðə west ɒn ðə left/

We study geography.
/wi ˈstʌdɪ ʤɪˈɒgrəfɪ/

We know it.
/wi nəʊ ɪt/

We study mathematics.
/wi ˈstʌdɪ ˌmæθɪˈmætɪks/

Our friends study well.
/ˈaʊə frendz ˈstʌdɪ wel/

These men and women study geology.
/ðiːz men ənd ˈwɪmɪn ˈstʌdɪ ʤɪˈɒləʤɪ/

They all study mathematics.
/ðeɪ ɔːl ˈstʌdɪ ˌmæθɪˈmætɪks/

Our friends know geography and mathematics.
/ˈaʊə frendz nəʊ ʤɪˈɒgrəfɪ ənd ˌmæθɪˈmætɪks/

They know them because they study well.
/ðeɪ nəʊ ðəm bɪˈkɒz ðeɪ ˈstʌdɪ wel/

We see a map.
We study the map.
We study geography.
We see a large N at the top.
It means North.
We see a large S at the bottom.
It means South.
We see a large E on the right.
It means East.
The large W on the left means West.
Find the South Pole on the map.
Find the North Pole.
Find the left side.
Find the right side.
Find the top and the bottom.
Let your friend find the Black Sea.
He finds it on his map.
Open your book and let all our friends see that map.
They see it well.
Take your notebooks and make notes!
We all take our notebooks and write.
Take a pencil, Ann!
She takes a black pencil and writes a large N. .
It means North.
We see Ann.
We see her.
We know Peter.
We know him.
We know Peter and Ann.
We see them.
Ann takes a box and puts the pencil in the box.
Peter puts the box in his bag.
Give me your pencil.
Give me your black pencil.
Peter puts this pencils in the box.
He puts them in the box.
He puts that box on the table.
We put those boxes on the table.
We take them.
Peter gives me his book.
Open your books, Ann and Peter!
We open our books.
We read them.
We read the text.
Ann reads the text.
She reads it well because she knows the words.
I read my notes.
Read this word.
We read these words.
We know them.
We know all these words.
Write a word!
Peter writes it.
Let me take your notebooks.
Make a plan, we make our plans.
We take these plans and study them.
We study them well.
We read and write and make notes.
We see the map well.
We see the Black Sea at the bottom.
We see the White Sea at the top.
We see the North at the top, the South at the bottom, the East on the right and the West on the left.
We study geography.
We know it.
We study mathematics.
Our friends study well.
These men and women study geology.
They all study mathematics.
Our friends know geography and mathematics.
They know them because they study well.

we [wi] мы
see [siː] видеть
map [mæp] карта
study [ˈstʌdɪ] учить, изучать
geography [ʤɪˈɒgrəfɪ] география
large [lɑːʤ] большой
at [æt] у, при, на
top [tɒp] верх
it [ɪt] это
mean [miːn] значить, означать
north [nɔːθ] север
bottom [ˈbɒtəm] низ
south [saʊθ] юг
on [ɒn] на
right [raɪt] правильный
east [iːst] восток
left [left] левый
west [west] запад
find [faɪnd] находить
pole [pəʊl] полюс
side [saɪd] сторона
and [ənd] и
let [let] позволять
your [jə] твой, ваш
friend [frend] друг
black [blæk] черный
sea [siː] море
he [hiː] он
his [hɪz] его
open [ˈəʊpən] открывать
book [bʊk] книга
all [ɔːl] все
our [ˈaʊə] наш
that [ðæt] тот
they [ðeɪ] они
well [wel] хорошо
take [teɪk] брать
notebook [ˈnəʊtbʊk] тетрадь
make [meɪk] делать
note [nəut] запись
write [raɪt] писать
pencil [ˈpensl] карандаш
Ann [æn] Анна
she [ʃiː] она
her [hɜː] её, ей
know [nəʊ] знать
Peter [ˈpiːtə] Питер
him [hɪm] его, ему
them [ðəm] им, их
box [bɒks] ящик, коробка
put [pʊt] класть
in [ɪn] в
bag [bæg] сумка
give [gɪv] давать
me [miː] мне, меня
this [ðɪs] это, этот
table [ˈteɪbl] стол
those [ðəʊz] те
read [riːd] читать
text [tekst] текст
because [bɪˈkɒz] потому что
word [wɜːd] слово
it [ɪt] это
my [maɪ] мой
these [ðiːz] эти
plan [plæn] план
white [waɪt] писать
mathematics [ˌmæθɪˈmætɪks] математика
men [men] люди, мужчины
women [ˈwɪmɪn] женщины
geology [ʤɪˈɒləʤɪ] геология

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