Самоучитель английского языка. Урок 26. Текст

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Take Helen’s map.
/teɪk ˈhelənz mæp/

Find the river Thames, find London on the map.
/faɪnd ðə ˈrɪvə temz faɪnd ‘lʌndən ɒn ðə mæp/

Take a plan of London.
/teɪk ə plæn əv ‘lʌndən/

Make a plan of this part of the city.
/meɪk ə plæn əv ðɪs pɑːt əv ðə ˈsɪtɪ/

Take Peter’s book.
/teɪk ˈpiːtəz bʊk/

Take both books.
/teɪk bəʊθ bʊks/

These are our friends’ books.
/ðiːz ə ˈaʊə frendz bʊks/

Our friends Helen and Peter, live in London.
/ˈaʊə frendz ˈhelən ənd ˈpiːtə lɪv ɪn ‘lʌndən/

Read these words.
/riːd ðiːz wɜːdz/

Read this part of the text.
/riːd ðɪs pɑːt əv ðə tekst/

Read both texts.
/riːd bəʊθ teksts/

Write the words “river”, “building”, “bridge”.
/raɪt ðə wɜːdz ˈrɪvə ˈbɪldɪŋ brɪʤ/

You write the letters well.
/jʊ raɪt ðə ˈletəz wel/

Connect the letters.
/kəˈnekt ðə ˈletəz/

Take this clock and put it on the table.
/teɪk ðɪs klɒk ənd pʊt ɪt ɒn ðə ˈteɪbl/

Take my pencil and give it to him.
/teɪk maɪ ˈpensl ənd gɪv ɪt tə hɪm/

Give me your notebook.
/gɪv miː jə ˈnəʊtbʊk/

Take their notebooks and put them in your bag.
/teɪk ðeə ˈnəʊtbʊks ənd pʊt ðəm ɪn jə bæg/

Read the end of the text.
/riːd ðiː end əv ðə tekst/

Give the child your hand.
/gɪv ðə ʧaɪld jə hænd/

Take his hand.
/teɪk hɪz hænd/

The child listens.
/ðə ʧaɪld ˈlɪsnz/

The clock strikes the hours: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.
/ðə klɒk straɪks ðiː ˈaʊəz wʌn tuː θriː fɔː faɪv sɪks ˈsevn eɪt naɪn ten ɪˈlevn twelv/

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Take Helen’s map.
Find the river Thames, find London on the map.
Take a plan of London.
Make a plan of this part of the city.
Take Peter’s book.
Take both books.
These are our friends’ books.
Our friends Helen and Peter, live in London.
Read these words.
Read this part of the text.
Read both texts.
Write the words “river”, “building”, “bridge”.
You write the letters well.
Connect the letters.
Take this clock and put it on the table.
Take my pencil and give it to him.
Give me your notebook.
Take their notebooks and put them in your bag.
Read the end of the text.
Give the child your hand.
Take his hand.
The child listens.
The clock strikes the hours: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve.

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take [teɪk] брать
Helen [ˈhelən] Хэлен, Елена
map [mæp] карта
find [faɪnd] находить
river [ˈrɪvə] река
on [ɒn] на
plan [plæn] план
of [ɒv] предлог родит падежа (кого? чего?)
make [meɪk] делать
this [ðɪs] это, этот
part [pɑːt] часть
city [ˈsɪtɪ] город
Peter [ˈpiːtə] Питер
book [bʊk] книга
both [bəʊθ] оба, обе
these [ðiːz] эти
are [ə] есть, являются
our [ˈaʊə] наш
friend [frend] друг
and [ənd] и
live [lɪv] жить
in [ɪn] в
read [riːd] читать
word [wɜːd] слово
text [tekst] текст
write [raɪt] писать
building [ˈbɪldɪŋ] здание
bridge [brɪʤ] мост
you [jʊ] ты, тебя, тебе
letter [ˈletə] письмо
well [wel] хорошо
connect [kəˈnekt] соединять
clock [klɒk] часы
put [pʊt] класть, ставить
it [ɪt] это
table [ˈteɪbl] стол
my [maɪ] мой
pencil [ˈpensl] карандаш
give [gɪv] давать
to [tʊ] к
him [hɪm] его, ему
me [miː] мне, меня
your [jə] твой, ваш
notebook [ˈnəʊtbʊk] тетрадь
their [ðeə] их
them [ðəm] им, их
bag [bæg] сумка
end [end] конец
child [ʧaɪld] ребенок
hand [hænd] рука
his [hɪz] его
listen [ˈlɪsn] слушать
strike [straɪk] удар, бить
hour [ˈaʊə] час
one [wʌn] один
two [tuː] два
three [θriː] три
four [fɔː] четыре
five [faɪv] пять
six [sɪks] шесть
seven [ˈsevn] семь
eight [eɪt] восемь
nine [naɪn] девять
ten [ten] десять
eleven [ɪˈlevn] одиннадцать
twelve [twelv] двеннадцать

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