Самоучитель английского языка. Урок 33. Чтение

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THE DOCKS [ðə dɒks]

The mouth of the river Thames is very wide, and large ships go up it from the sea to London.
/ðə maʊθ əv ðə ˈrɪvə temz ɪz ˈverɪ waɪd ənd lɑːʤ ʃɪps gəʊ ʌp ɪt frɒm ðə siː tʊ ‘lʌndən/

Near the river we see special places which we call the docks.
/nɪə ðə ˈrɪvə wi siː ˈspeʃəl ˈpleɪsɪz wɪʧ wi kɔːl ðə dɒks/

All kinds of ships, large and small, go into these docks.
/ɔːl kaɪndz əv ʃɪps lɑːʤ ənd smɔːl gəʊ ˈɪntuː ðiːz dɒks/

Many workers work in these docks.
/ˈmenɪ ˈwɜːkəz wɜːk ɪn ðiːz dɒks/

They are dockers.
/ðeɪ ə ˈdɒkəz/

At the side of each dock you can see railway lines.
/ət ðə saɪd əv iːʧ dɒk jʊ kæn siː ˈreɪlweɪ laɪnz/

Ocean ships from all parts of the world come to London.
/ˈəʊʃən ʃɪps frɒm ɔːl pɑːts əv ðə wɜːld kʌm tʊ ‘lʌndən/

They can go up the Thames to London Bridge.
/ðeɪ kæn gəʊ ʌp ðə temz tʊ ‘lʌndən brɪʤ/

When you look at the plan of London you can see two docks at the right-hand side of the map.
/wen jʊ lʊk ət ðə plæn əv ‘lʌndən jʊ kæn siː tuː dɒks ət ðə ˈraɪthænd saɪd əv ðə mæp/

One of them is small.
/wʌn əv ðəm ɪz smɔːl/

The other is big.
/ðiː ˈʌðə ɪz bɪg/

At the end of each dock we can see a big gate.
/ət ðiː end əv iːʧ dɒk wi kæn siː ə bɪg geɪt/

When a ship comes, the workers must open the gate for the ship.
/wen ə ʃɪp kʌmz ðə ˈwɜːkəz mʌst ˈəʊpən ðə geɪt fə ðə ʃɪp/

They open the gate and the ship goes into dock.
/ðeɪ ˈəʊpən ðə geɪt ənd ðə ʃɪp gəʊz ˈɪntuː dɒk/

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The mouth of the river Thames is very wide, and large ships go up it from the sea to London.
Near the river we see special places which we call the docks.
All kinds of ships, large and small, go into these docks.
Many workers work in these docks.
They are dockers.
At the side of each dock you can see railway lines.
Ocean ships from all parts of the world come to London.
They can go up the Thames to London Bridge.
When you look at the plan of London you can see two docks at the right-hand side of the map.
One of them is small.
The other is big.
At the end of each dock we can see a big gate.
When a ship comes, the workers must open the gate for the ship.
They open the gate and the ship goes into dock.

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dock [dɒk] док
mouth [maʊθ] рот, устье
of [ɒv] предлог родит падежа (кого? чего?)
river [ˈrɪvə] река
Thames [temz] Темза
is [ɪz] есть, является
very [ˈverɪ] очень
wide [waɪd] широкий
and [ənd] и
large [lɑːʤ] большой
ship [ʃɪp] корабль
go [gəʊ] идти, ехать
up [ʌp] вверх
it [ɪt] это
from [frɒm] от
sea [siː] море
to [tʊ] к
London [‘lʌndən] Лондон
near [nɪə] возле
we [wi] мы
see [siː] видеть
special [ˈspeʃəl] особый
place [pleɪs] место
which [wɪʧ] который
call [kɔːl] звать
all [ɔːl] все
kind [kaɪnd] вид
small [smɔːl] маленький
into [ˈɪntʊ] в
these [ðiːz] эти
many [ˈmenɪ] многие
worker [ˈwɜːkə] рабочий
work [ˈwɜːk] работа, работать
in [ɪn] в
they [ðeɪ] они
are [ə] есть, являются
docker [ˈdɒkə] работник дока
at [æt] у, в, при, на
side [saɪd] сторона
each [iːʧ] каждый
you [jʊ] ты, вы, тебе, тебя, вам, вас
can [kæn] мочь
railway [ˈreɪlweɪ] железная дорога
line [laɪn] линия
ocean [ˈəʊʃən] океан
part [pɑːt] часть
world [wɜːld] мир
come [kʌm] приходить
bridge [brɪʤ] мост
when [wen] когда
look [lʊk] смотреть
plan [plæn] план
two [tuː] два
right-hand [ˈraɪthænd] правая (сторона)
map [mæp] карта
one [wʌn] один
them [ðəm] им, их
other [ˈʌðə] другой
big [bɪg] большой
end [end] конец
gate [geɪt] ворота
must [mʌst] должен
open [ˈəʊpən] открывать
for [fə] для

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