Самоучитель английского языка. Урок 13. Текст

В этом уроке вам предстоит поработать с текстом. Вы видите три вкладки: на первой — представлен текст с транскрипцией, на второй — без транскрипции, на третей вкладке даны слова к тексту. Прочтите и прослушайте текст.

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I study geology.
/aɪ ˈstʌdɪ ʤɪˈɒləʤɪ/

I put a lamp on the table.
/aɪ pʊt ə læmp ɒn ðə ˈteɪbl/

I open my book.
/aɪ ˈəʊpən maɪ bʊk/

I take a pen and a pencil.
/aɪ teɪk ə pen ənd ə ˈpensl/

That man studies geology.
/ðæt mæn ˈstʌdɪz ʤɪˈɒləʤɪ/

He puts his books on the table.
/hiː pʊts hɪz bʊks ɒn ðə ˈteɪbl/

He makes notes.
/hiː meɪks nəʊts/

He takes his notebook and makes notes in it.
/hiː teɪks hɪz ˈnəʊtbʊk ənd meɪks nəʊts ɪn ɪt/

His friend takes a map.
/hɪz ˈfraɪd teɪks ə mæp/

His friends take pens and pencils.
/hɪz frendz teɪk penz ənd ˈpenslz/

They take black pencils.
/ðeɪ teɪk blæk ˈpenslz/

They make maps.
/ðeɪ meɪk mæps/

I see the maps.
/aɪ siː ðə mæps/

We study well.
/wi ˈstʌdɪ wel/

Helen take my bag.
/ˈhelən teɪk maɪ bæg/

Put my maps in it.
/pʊt maɪ mæps ɪn ɪt/

Ben, take the lamp.
/ben teɪk ðə læmp/

Put it on the table.
/pʊt ɪt ɒn ðə ˈteɪbl/

Take a good pencil.
/teɪk ə gʊd ˈpensl/

Give me a black pencil.
/gɪv miː ə blæk ˈpensl/

Give Helen a good pen.
/gɪv ˈhelən ə gʊd pen/

Give me that book.
/gɪv miː ðæt bʊk/

Open the box.
/ˈəʊpən ðə bɒks/

We open the box.
/wi ˈəʊpən ðə bɒks/

He opens the boxes.
/hiː ˈəʊpənz ðə ˈbɒksɪz/

Let the man open the box.
/let ðə mæn ˈəʊpən ðə bɒks/

Let me take an apple.
/let miː teɪk ən ˈæpl/

Nick takes the maps and puts them in his bag.
/nɪk teɪks ðə mæps ənd pʊts ðəm ɪn hɪz bæg/

Put that notebook on the table.
/pʊt ðæt ˈnəʊtbʊk ɒn ðə ˈteɪbl/

Helen gives me a good map.
/ˈhelən gɪvz miː ə gʊd mæp/

Let me take the maps.
/let miː teɪk ðə mæps/

We see his friends.
/wi siː hɪz frendz/

We see a woman.
/wi siː ə ˈwʊmən/

We see five women.
/wi siː faɪv ˈwɪmɪn/

We see them well.
/wi siː ðəm wel/

Helen gives me a book and a good map.
/ˈhelən gɪvz miː ə bʊk ənd ə gʊd mæp/

I see a child.
/aɪ siː ə ʧaɪld/

I see children.
/aɪ siː ˈʧɪldrən/

The child puts his notebooks and pencils in the bag.
/ðə ʧaɪld pʊts hɪz ˈnəʊtbʊks ənd ˈpenslz ɪn ðə bæg/

The children study well.
/ðə ˈʧɪldrən ˈstʌdɪ wel/

They study mathematics.
/ðəɪ ˈstʌdɪ ˌmæθɪˈmætɪks/

We all study men, women and children.
/wi ɔːl ˈstʌdɪ men ˈwɪmɪn ənd ˈʧɪldrən/

I study geology.
I put a lamp on the table.
I open my book.
I take a pen and a pencil.
That man studies geology.
He puts his books on the table.
He makes notes.
He takes his notebook and makes notes in it.
His friend takes a map.
His friends take pens and pencils.
They take black pencils.
They make maps.
I see the maps.
We study well.
Helen take my bag.
Put my maps in it.
Ben, take the lamp.
Put it on the table.
Take a good pencil.
Give me a black pencil.
Give Helen a good pen.
Give me that book.
Open the box.
We open the box.
He opens the boxes.
Let the man open the box.
Let me take an apple.
Nick takes the maps and puts them in his bag.
Put that notebook on the table.
Helen gives me a good map.
Let me take the maps.
We see his friends.
We see a woman.
We see five women.
We see them well.
Helen gives me a book and a good map.
I see a child.
I see children.
The child puts his notebooks and pencils in the bag.
The children study well.
They study mathematics.
We all study men, women and children.

I [aɪ] я
study [ˈstʌdɪ] учить, изучать
geology [ʤɪˈɒləʤɪ] геология
put [pʊt] класть, ставить
lamp [læmp] лампа
on [ɒn] на
the [ðə] опред артикль (никак не переводится)
table [ˈteɪbl] стол
open [ˈəʊpən] открывать
my [maɪ] мой
book [bʊk] книга
take [teɪk] брать, взять
pen [pen] ручка
and [ənd] и
pencil [ˈpensl] карандаш
that [ðæt] тот
man [mæn] человек, мужчина
he [hiː] он
his [hɪz] его
make [meɪk] делать
note [nəʊt] запись
notebook [ˈnəʊtbʊk] записная книжка
in [ɪn] в
it [ɪt] это
map [mæp] карта
friend [frend] друг
they [ðeɪ] они
black [blæk] черный
see [siː] видеть
we [wi] мы
well [wel] хорошо
Helen [ˈhelən] Хэлен, Елена
bag [bæg] сумка
Ben [ben] Бен
good [gʊd] хороший
give [gɪv] давать
me [miː] мне, меня
box [bɒks] ящик, коробка
let [let] позволять
and [ənd] и
apple [ˈæpl] яблоко
Nick [nɪk] them [ðəm] им, их
woman [ˈwʊmən] женщина
five [faɪv] пять
women [ˈwɪmɪn] женщины
child [ʧaɪld] ребенок
children [ˈʧɪldrən] дети
mathematics [ˌmæθɪˈmætɪks] математика
all [ɔːl] все
men [men] мужчины

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