ЕГЭ: Задание 25 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) The artist had expected a large number of replies from children.
B) The artist was sure that painting attracted many young people.
C) The artist is surprised that children paint for their families.
D) The artist thinks allowing children into a kitchen can be a problem.
E) The artist’s parents taught him to experiment.
F) The artist wants children to run their own TV show.
G) The artist used to get annoyed when his father helped him.

A) The artist had expected a large number of replies from children. FALSE
B) The artist was sure that painting attracted many young people. TRUE
C) The artist is surprised that children paint for their families. TRUE
D) The artist thinks allowing children into a kitchen can be a problem. FALSE
E) The artist’s parents taught him to experiment. FALSE
F) The artist wants children to run their own TV show. FALSE
G) The artist used to get annoyed when his father helped him. TRUE

Interviewer: I know you’ve always been interested in painting even when you were a young girl. Now, I’m particularly interested in this new project of yours which is aimed at encouraging the under-16s to paint.
Artist: Yeah — I can’t imagine life without painting. But you’re right, my main passion at the moment is getting through to kids. A few months ago I was doing a TV show I asked kids to write in and tell me how many of them spent time at home painting.
Interviewer: Did you get many replies?
Artist: I was amazed at the response but do you know, I got more than 4000 and from kids all over the world. They wrote and told me what they paint, whether they use oils, watercolour, crayons or even make their own special paint mixtures!
Interviewer: And have you discovered things about this age group that do surprise you?
Artist: Yeah! I guess I thought these kids would be painting for their friends but what’s really nice is that they’re painting for their families. In most cases kids put up their pictures on the kitchen walls, stick them on the fridge door or a cupboard somewhere. I think that’s great!
Interviewer: When I was a kid my mother used to get fed up with me if I spread things all over the kitchen table and then didn’t clear away. Do you think this generation is any different?
Artist: Probably not! But some kids mentioned a great idea which is that their parents set aside special times for them to take over the kitchen. One la said he’d been painting since he was eight and that he’d learnt good practice automatically.
Interviewer: Is it difficult trying to experiment with mixing your own paints?
Artist: Hm — expensive, if not difficult! I used to ask my parents to buy all sorts of different kinds of oil paints so I could try out new ideas. I know they weren’t happy if I wasted the paint or it was such a disgusting colour that it had to be thrown away. They preferred it if I played safe.
Interviewer: So what happens now with all the information you’ve collected?
Artist: The next thing is to select about twenty kids and involve them in my own TV art programme but using their ideas and pictures. I’m reading through things to see who sounds adventurous and who has tried to create something individual. It’s also important to get a good range of ages from about 8 to 16 and obviously a mix of boys and girls.
Interviewer: I thought the advice was to never work with animals or children!
Artist: Yeah, I think it is. You’ll never see me on an art programme with animals! But what I’d like is to create a relaxed atmosphere where viewers can learn as well as enjoy what’s going on. I can imagine we’re all going to get in each other’s way but then that’s what an artist’s studio is usually like. My Dad would offer to help and just get in the way, messing up my paints and trying out different colours before I’d finished. It was maddening.
Interviewer: Well, thank you for talking to us today and good luck …

Упр. 24 | 25 | 26