ЕГЭ: Задание 24 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) Rose and Jane have no time to have a meal before the performance.
B) Jane became a witness of a road accident.
C) The woman was badly hurt because the driver didn’t manage to brake quickly.
D) When the bus stopped suddenly Jane got a slight cut on her left hand.
E) The woman was to blame for the accident.
F) Jane will have to appear in court next week.
G) The accident happened on Jane’s way to the theatre.

A) Rose and Jane have no time to have a meal before the performance. TRUE
B) Jane became a witness of a road accident. TRUE
C) The woman was badly hurt because the driver didn’t manage to brake quickly. FALSE
D) When the bus stopped suddenly Jane got a slight cut on her left hand. NOT STATED
E) The woman was to blame for the accident. TRUE
F) Jane will have to appear in court next week. NOT STATED
G) The accident happened on Jane’s way to the theatre. FALSE

Rose: Oh, there you are, at last, Jane.
Jane: Hello, Rose, I’m sorry I kept you waiting. It hasn’t started yet, has it?
Rose: No but we were going to have a meal beforehand, and now it’s too late for that. Where have you been?
Jane: Oh, Rose, I simply must tell you about something awful that happened to me. The bus I was in ran over a woman.
Rose: Was she badly hurt?
Jane: She fainted but I think it was mainly shock. Luckily the driver managed to brake pretty quickly.
Rose: How did it happen?
Jane: She wasn’t looking where she was going. She saw a friend it seems, and just dashed out into the middle of the road. The bus stopped so suddenly that some of the passengers got bruised quite badly.
Rose: Were you hurt, Jane?
Jane: I just got a slight cut on one hand. It’s nothing. I was sitting right in front and saw it all. She didn’t look round, you know, just waved to her friend and then ran straight across the road.
Rose: How stupid!
Jane: A car just managed to avoid her but the bus driver didn’t see her until she was almost under his wheels. Luckily she got away with no more than a few bruises and shock.
Rose: Were you asked to be a witness?
Jane: Yes, I had to make a long statement and leave my name and address
with the police sergeant. Perhaps they’ll ask me to appear in court.
Rose: Where did all this happen, Jane?
Jane: In Rainroad near the station.
Rose: But what were you doing in Rainroad this evening?
Jane: It wasn’t this evening. It was yesterday. I went to see my cousin there, on her birthday.
Rose: Yesterday? All this happened yesterday? Then why are you so late now?
Jane: But I’m not so late, am I? Only about ten minutes.
Rose: Ten minutes! More like half an hour! And I was just beginning to feel sorry for you. Come along now, or there’ll be another accident. A serious one this time.

Упр. 23 | 24 | 25