ЕГЭ: Задание 26 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

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A) National Science Week is particularly intended for young people.
B) National Science Week was successful when it was first held.
C) The photography competition will be judged by top scientists.
D) Click for Climate Change involves people agreeing to take action themselves.
E) The website makes suggestions about how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
F) Click for Climate Change starts after National Science Week.
G) The activity packs for National Science Week are free.

A) National Science Week is particularly intended for young people. FALSE
B) National Science Week was successful when it was first held. TRUE
C) The photography competition will be judged by top scientists. NOT STATED
D) Click for Climate Change involves people agreeing to take action themselves. TRUE
E) The website makes suggestions about how to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. TRUE
F) Click for Climate Change starts after National Science Week. FALSE
G) The activity packs for National Science Week are free. NOT STATED

Presenter: OK, now I’m talking to our science reporter, Jessica Mile, about the world of science today. Jessica, there’s going to be something called National Science Week, isn’t there? Tell us about it.
Science reporter: Yes, of course, science is all around us and the Nationa Science Week, from March the tenth to the nineteenth, hopes to encourage people of all ages to think about how it affects all aspects of life. Science, engineering and the social sciences, such as economics, tell us about how the world around us works. During the week, events will be organised at venues ranging from schools and museums to shopping centres and bars.
Presenter: This was first held last year, wasn’t it?
Science reporter: Yes, and last year’s initiative saw more than 1500 events, from hands-on activities to discussions, tours and online projects. It went very well and more than half a million people got involved. This year, the British Association for the Advancement of Science, or BA, which coordinates the event, hopes to reach even more people.
Presenter: So, what kinds of things are happening?
Science reporter: Amongst the attractions this year is the ‘illuminate initiative’, which will look at colour in science and includes a photography competition for all ages. The winning entries will be displayed in the Dana Centre in central London. The idea is that asking people to capture the colour in science will make them look at science in a new way.
Presenter: And what else is happening?
Science reporter: Well, another part of this year’s I National Science Week is that the ВA is also asking people to ‘Click for Climate Change’. Visitors to its website can make a promise to make small changes to their lives which could add up to a big difference for climate change. The association suggests switching off the TV instead of leaving it on standby, walking to school or swapping just one normal light bulb for an energy-saving one. If everyone made these little changes, carbon dioxide emissions could be reduced by thousands of tonnes every year.
Presenter: That sounds very interesting. When does it start?
Science reporter: Click for Climate Change will open at the start of National Science Week, which begins on March the tenth.
Presenter: And where can people find out more?
Science reporter: Well, you can get more information about National Science Week, and you can also get activity packs, if you visit the BA website.

Упр. 25 | 26 | 27