ЕГЭ: упражнение 17 на высказывания и утверждения

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

Play высказывания

1. Business was the following of traditions.
2. Business was the result of previous work.
3. Business was the present of fortune.
4. Business was started as a necessity.
5. Business was the escape from former life.
6. Business was like a hobby.
7. Business was the realization of ambitions.

A – 4
B – 5
C – 1
D – 6
E – 2
F – 7

Speaker A: Most people think that you go into business to make a fortune but for us it just wasn’t like that. Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to make money but that wasn’t our main motivation. It all started fifteen years ago when I came back to the UK with my Spanish husband after living in Seville for a few years. I found that I really missed food but getting Spanish ingredients was surprisingly hard, especially outside London. After networking online with Spanish people living in the UK, I did some market research on the availability of Spanish food over here. I found that you couldn’t get it. We’ve just designed our rudimentary website, and things are going from strength to strength.

Speaker B: Some people thought I was mad when I left my job. I’d worked my way up from junior designer to creative in a well-known advertising company and I suppose you could say I’d been very successful. But the higher I moved up the company, more stressful it became. And I suddenly realized that I didn’t want to be a director any more but a designer. So, after persuading my wife this was the right thing to do, I resigned from my job and set up my own design agency — just me and two other talented youngsters. Sure, I don’t earn half as much as I used to but I really enjoy working for myself.

Speaker С: I had always sworn that I would never do it. I come from a long line of farmers but I was completely adamant about working in a different sector. My greatgrandparents bought and developed the land in the 1920-s and it’s been passed down across the generations. I ran off to college as soon as I could. Then things started to get very tough for farmers. I saw my parents’ age from the work and responsibility and I felt bad about leaving them alone, moved back to the old farmhouse and I’ve taken on some of the behind-the-scenes work. I’ll never be a country girl at heart but, you know what they say, blood’s thicker
than water.

Speaker D: I suppose you could say I fell into business. I didn’t do particularly well at school and so ended up doing nine-to-five or just temporary work. It wasn’t very stimulating but I didn’t mind too much because I never had to work late or give up my weekends. I’d always been interested in fashion and was pretty good at designing and making my own clothes. Then my friends started asking me to make things for them. I did this as a favour or gave them away as presents. One of my friends offered to help me set up a small business. It turned out he ran an enterprise scheme for young clothes designers. He helped me
find a workshop, get fund for equipment and materials, and now the orders are rolling in.

Speaker E: I never expected to have a career in business, let alone be running my own company. It all started when I was teaching English as a foreign in Berlin. A friend of friend asked me to do some one to one classes with a businesswoman who wanted help with presentation skills. She had such a busy schedule that we met at very odd hours of the day -5.30 in the morning before she went to work or late in the evening when she’d finished. I ended up getting quite a cando attitude because I was willing to give classes anytime and anywhere, within reason. Word spread and then a few colleagues and I went freelance and set up
a network of tutors.

Speaker F: How many of us thought that I just quit my day job and set up a business on my own. For most of us it remains a dream but for me a dream came true. But the road to business hasn’t been easy. Three years ago I was made redundant from a construction company where I had worked for eight years. I felt completely let down and useless. I used to go on long bike rides. Then the idea came to me — what cyclists need is well-designed, easy-to-wear tops and shorts. Now I sell the range through the website and selected stores around the country.

Упр. 16 | 17 | 18