ЕГЭ: упражнение 18 на высказывания и утверждения

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего A-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.

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The speaker disagrees with the statements:
1. more TV channels means more variety and better programmes
2. TV companies shouldn’t interrupt films with commercials
3. the media can make mediocre people famous
4. TV should show less football and more minority sports
5. TV is better than the independent channels
6. TV, radio and the Internet have made newspapers irrelevant
7. we shouldn’t blame TV for children’s bad behaviour

A – 4
B – 7
C – 1
D – 6
E – 3
F – 2

Speaker A: I think it’s what people want, isn’t it? I mean, if nobody watched the matches, TV companies wouldn’t show them. And you can see other sports like skiing and volleyball on the satellite channels. I personally think there should be more, not less. If some housewives don’t like it they can turn the channel. A lot of people haven’t got opportunity to go to live football matches and the only chance to do it at home and relax on your own sofa. I’d be happy to watch a match every night.

Speaker B: I’d say the problem is parents, not TV. People are always complaining that children don’t read enough today and more violent than they used to be but I don’t think it’s the TV’s fault. All you have to do is switch it off. The real problem is that parents use TV as a kind of babysitter because they’re too tired to play with their kids and then blame everything and everyone in it.

Speaker С: It depends, I mean, it’s true you can watch TV in different languages now so I suppose that gives you choice — if you can speak the language that is. You have the possibility to train foreign language or listen your native one if you far away from your country. But the programmes themselves are really all the same. Quiz shows, old films, things like that. So they’re not really more varied, it’s just that there’s more of them.

Speaker D: Well, I watch the news on TV and I sometimes get sports results on the Internet. But I still get a newspaper every day as I’m used to do all my life having my morning tea or on the train on my way to work. I mean, it’s not just news, it’s also opinions. While you’re reading a report, you don’t only get to know some news but you also find the comment of some people. Anyway I like to buy a paper and read it. The smell of fresh press cheer me up in the morning, it’s like a part of national tradition.

Speaker E: I absolutely hate these programmes where they talk in great detail about people who are only on TV because they’re married to or going out with someone famous, or are the son or daughter of someone who’s famous. And most of these people are either completely uninteresting or completely stupid but because of TV they become celebrities. I think they sometimes pay for their adverts in order people don’t forget them.

Speaker F: Well, I know a lot of people think that but personally I don’t. Maybe, only when I’m watching tragic and serious film, in all other cases absolutely no. Partly because I think the breaks give you a chance to go and make a cup of coffee or go to toilet or whatever, and partly because nowadays the commercials are often better than the actual films. Sometimes we learn about some new goods and it might be useful later.

Упр. 17 | 18 | 19