ЕГЭ: Задание 51 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) Victor liked his history class with Dr. Smith.
B) Ann thought her history exam was interesting and challenging, but not difficult.
C) Ann’s exam consisted of two parts: multiple choice tasks and essay questions.
D) Ann’s history professor wanted them to forget all they had learnt at school.
E) This course covers the periods from medieval to modern history of Civilizations.
F) То write an essay about a process is possible, if you’ve been taught how to do it.
G) Victor wished he had taken the course with Dr. Jones, not with Dr. Smith.

A) Victor liked his history class with Dr. Smith. FALSE
B) Ann thought her history exam was interesting and challenging, but not difficult. TRUE
C) Ann’s exam consisted of two parts: multiple choice tasks and essay questions. FALSE
D) Ann’s history professor wanted them to forget all they had learnt at school. NOT STATED
E) This course covers the periods from medieval to modern history of Civilizations. TRUE
F) То write an essay about a process is possible, if you’ve been taught how to do it. TRUE
G) Victor wished he had taken the course with Dr. Jones, not with Dr. Smith. NOT STATED

Anna. Hi, Victor. I just finished my last exam and I’m on my way home. How about you?
Victor. One more. Dr. Smith’s history exam.
Anna. Oh, how was his class? Did you like it?
Victor. Not much. He just read from his notes the whole semester. You had Dr. Jones, didn’t you? What was her final exam like?
Anna. It was fun. She called it a multiple-choice essay exam. There were six essay questions and we could choose any two to answer.
Victor. Just two?
Anna. She said she wanted to find out what we knew, not what we didn’t.
Victor. What kind of questions were they?
Anna. Remember, I told you she didn’t expect us to remember a lot of names and dates. She called that “the one-damn-thing-after-another” school of history. She wanted us to learn the processes that shape communities.
Victor. Like what?
Anna. Well, in the Civilization course you took, it would be the processes that broke down medieval institutions, or the processes of forming a national state, or the process of industrialization in Europe. Things like that.
Victor. How do you write an essay about a process?
Anna. Well, one of the things I wrote about was imperialism. We learned to look for what was happening inside a country to make it want to expand, to look at geography to see why it expanded in the direction it did, to look for the goals of expansion and the methods of controlling new territory, and finally to look at the ways colonial people tried to defend themselves. That’s the process. Then in the exam we applied that to an example, like Spanish imperialism in America, or British imperialism in Africa, or whatever. That’s where we used names and dates…giving details for a specific case of imperialism.
Victor. I think you may have learned something. That sounds easier than trying to guess what’s in Dr. Smith’s head. I have no idea what to study for.
Anna. Well, good luck, Victor. See you next semester.

Упр. 50 | 51 | 52