ЕГЭ: Задание 52 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) David can speak some Slavonic languages.
B) The Bulgarian exchange student will stay with Rosalind’s family for a school year.
C) When the school year is over, Rosalind will go to Bulgaria for the summer.
D) The Bulgarian girl speaks English better than American school students.
E) Rosalind’s family have already learned all they could about Bulgarian culture.
F) Rosalind learned about the exchange program in her French class.
G) David is sure that his parents wouldn’t like to host a foreign student.

A) David can speak some Slavonic languages. NOT STATED
B) The Bulgarian exchange student will stay with Rosalind’s family for a school year. TRUE
C) When the school year is over, Rosalind will go to Bulgaria for the summer. NOT STATED
D) The Bulgarian girl speaks English better than American school students. NOT STATED
E) Rosalind’s family have already learned all they could about Bulgarian culture. FALSE
F) Rosalind learned about the exchange program in her French class. TRUE
G) David is sure that his parents wouldn’t like to host a foreign student. FALSE

Rosalind: David, listen to this! We’re going to host an exchange student this year! Her name’s Elena Yakunina» She’s from Bulgaria.
David: Elena Yakunina? That sounds Russian. I once had a pen-pal from Russia with the same last name!
Rosalind: Her family was Russian. Her grandfather’s parents went to Bulgaria during the Russian Civil War. They were Ukrainian. Oh, this is all so exciting!
David: I hope she speaks English. It will be a long year if she doesn’t.
Rosalind: She probably speaks it better than we do. Her dad’s a chemist, but her mom teaches English.
David: I’ll bet she’s read a lot about America. What do you know about Bulgaria?
Rosalind: Not much. But I’m on my way to the library to check out some books. Dad’s even ordered some language books. We’re going to practice at home.
David: That should be a riot!
Rosalind: And mom’s learning to cook some Bulgarian dishes.
David: Won’t that be a nice cultural experience! Feeding Bulgarian food to a Bulgarian! Where’d you find out about the program?
Rosalind: Mrs. Young, our French teacher, invited a lady from American Field Services to talk to our language class. She told us we could get more information from the Student Exchange Resource Center on the internet.
David: How’d your parents feel about hosting a foreign student?
Rosalind: They had to think about it for awhile, but then they got excited, too. The AFS lady came by to talk to us, and then we made arrangements for the new student at school.
David: I wonder what my parents would think about hosting a foreign student.
Rosalind: Who knows? They might prefer to send you off to some far-away country.
David: Timbuktu would be fun.

Упр. 51 | 52 | 53