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Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A–F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1–7. Одна из частей в списке 1–7 лишняя.


Attics in the capital are mostly rented out as commercial sites by different firms or shops, while in the United States and Europe A ________. But the young loft apartment market is on the march, particularly among well-off Moscovites.

Despite the industrial facade loft apartments are in some of the trendiest areas. Lofts are usually located in former factories and warehouses – and developers tend to stick to an industrially minimalist design. Brick walls with no plaster, wooden floors and very high ceilings are complemented with large windows B ________.

Classic lofts are apartments converted from industrial premises like factories, C ________.

When lofts first appeared in the US and Europe in the early 20th century they were snapped up on the cheap by artists and sculptors D ________. The vast space allowed them to put everything they needed for creativity there and work in the comfort of the apartment.

Now they are used not only as apartments but also for creative space. In Moscow there are plenty of contemporary art centres in attics. The most popular loft location in the capital is the former chocolate factory, Krasny Oktyabr. In 2009 the factory E ________ with showrooms, art galleries, design bureaus, nightclubs and restaurants. The area is now one of the trendiest locations in town, and it is easy F ________.

1. but the style of the site is kept unchanged
2. allowing lots of light to enter the apartment
3. was converted into a creative cluster
4. to spend a day walking round all the features
5. being popular with innovative commercial firms
6. due to the low cost of renovation and rental
7. they are often used for offices and apartments

A-7; B-2; C-1; D-6; E-3; F-4

Attics in the capital are mostly rented out as commercial sites by different firms or shops, while in the United States and Europe they are often used for offices and apartments. But the young loft apartment market is on the march, particularly among well-off Moscovites.

Despite the industrial facade loft apartments are in some of the trendiest areas. Lofts are usually located in former factories and warehouses – and developers tend to stick to an industrially minimalist design. Brick walls with no plaster, wooden floors and very high ceilings are complemented with large windows allowing lots of light to enter the apartment.

Classic lofts are apartments converted from industrial premises like factories, but the style of the site is kept unchanged.

When lofts first appeared in the US and Europe in the early 20th century they were snapped up on the cheap by artists and sculptors due to the low cost of renovation and rental. The vast space allowed them to put everything they needed for creativity there and work in the comfort of the apartment.

Now they are used not only as apartments but also for creative space. In Moscow there are plenty of contemporary art centres in attics. The most popular loft location in the capital is the former chocolate factory, Krasny Oktyabr. In 2009 the factory was converted into a creative cluster with showrooms, art galleries, design bureaus, nightclubs and restaurants. The area is now one of the trendiest locations in town, and it is easy to spend a day walking round all the features.