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Leaning Big Ben

Is Big Ben becoming the British version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Surveys of the famous UK landmark in recent years have proven what can barely be seen by the naked eye. Although it is far smaller than the Tower of Pisa’s tilt of almost four degrees, Big Ben is A _______ .

Officials in government seem to be brushing off concerns that the clock tower is in danger of collapsing. They may be right. Considering the tower in Pisa has been leaning for centuries and has yet to fall, В ________.

If anything, Big Bens ever-so-slight lean is a fascinating sight to see, if you can in fact notice it. An onlooker standing in Parliament Square looking head on at the tower might perceive an extremely minor lean to the left С _______ .

The government is not entirely unconcerned about the stability of the tower. However they state that, in light of extensive structural surveys of the building, no immediate risk is present, D ________.

The tower is leaning in part due to the construction of an underground railway line beneath the structure as well as a car park. In fact, though, many buildings, regardless of what structures are underneath, undergo changes as they age. Most old buildings have a few cracks in them, and E ________.

This isn’t the first structural issue the tower has encountered in its over 150-year life. In 1976, the weights that control the workings of the clock snapped off and fell down the clock shaft. The clock actually exploded inside F _______ . Luckily no one was hurt, as the accident happened at 4 am.

1. towards a faster, more economical way of repairing the tower
2. in fact, the Houses of Parliament are cracking a bit themselves
3. towards Bridge Street rather than towards the Houses of Parliament
4. and repairs took nearly nine months to be completed
5. meaning building reinforcements can wait until after the next elections
6. in fact leaning by about 0.26 degrees, according to reports
7. worrying about Big Ben’s immediate demise is likely to be a waste of energy

A-6; B-7; C-3; D-5; E-2; F-4

Leaning Big Ben

Is Big Ben becoming the British version of the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Surveys of the famous UK landmark in recent years have proven what can barely be seen by the naked eye. Although it is far smaller than the Tower of Pisa’s tilt of almost four degrees, Big Ben is in fact leaning by about 0.26 degrees, according to reports.

Officials in government seem to be brushing off concerns that the clock tower is in danger of collapsing. They may be right. Considering the tower in Pisa has been leaning for centuries and has yet to fall, worrying about Big Ben’s immediate demise is likely to be a waste of energy.

If anything, Big Bens ever-so-slight lean is a fascinating sight to see, if you can in fact notice it. An onlooker standing in Parliament Square looking head on at the tower might perceive an extremely minor lean to the left towards Bridge Street rather than towards the Houses of Parliament.

The government is not entirely unconcerned about the stability of the tower. However they state that, in light of extensive structural surveys of the building, no immediate risk is present, meaning building reinforcements can wait until after the next elections.

The tower is leaning in part due to the construction of an underground railway line beneath the structure as well as a car park. In fact, though, many buildings, regardless of what structures are underneath, undergo changes as they age. Most old buildings have a few cracks in them, and in fact, the Houses of Parliament are cracking a bit themselves.

This isn’t the first structural issue the tower has encountered in its over 150-year life. In 1976, the weights that control the workings of the clock snapped off and fell down the clock shaft. The clock actually exploded inside and repairs took nearly nine months to be completed. Luckily no one was hurt, as the accident happened at 4 am.