Упражнение 9 на постановку глаголов во 3-ю форму

Выполните упражнение 9 на постановку неправильных глаголов во 3-ю форму (в Past Participle). В данных предложениях поставьте неправильный глагол во 3-ю форму. Проверьте себя по ключу.


1. Why have they (shut) down the factory?
2. These pants have (wear) thin at the knees.
3. He has (become) deaf.
4. They have (spoil) his fun.
5. She has (understand) the depth of his love for her.
6. They have (prove) to be right.
7. She has (show) me how to knit by hand.
8. She has (lend) support to him.
9. I have (read) your book down to the last page.
10. They have (strike) gold.
11. What are you doing? You have (wake) the baby!
12. Do you know that fear is (write) on your face?
13. Have you (knit) a new sweater?
14. Who has (spread) this gossip?
15. He has always (wring) water from a flint.

1. Why have they shut down the factory? – Почему они закрыли фабрику?
2. These pants have worn thin at the knees. – Эти штаны протерлись в районе коленок.
3. He has become deaf. – Он оглох.
4. They have spoilt (можно spoiled) his fun. – Они испортили его шутку.
5. She has understood the depth of his love for her. – Он поняла, насколько глубоко он ее любит.
6. They have proven (можно proved) to be right. – Они оказались правы.
7. She has shown me how to knit by hand. – Она показала мне, как вязать вручную.
8. She has lent support to him. – Она оказала ему поддержку.
9. I have read your book down to the last page. – Я прочел твою книжку до последней страницы.
10. They have struck gold. – Они наткнулись на золотую жилу.
11. What are you doing? You have woken the baby! – Что ты делаешь? Ты разбудил ребенка!
12. Do you know that fear is written on your face? – Ты знаешь, что страх проявился на твоем лице?
13. Have you knit (можно knitted) a new sweater? – Ты связала новый свитер?
14. Who has spread this gossip? – Кто распространил этот слух?
15. He has always wrung water from a flint. – Он всегда делал чудеса.