Упражнение 8 на постановку глаголов во 3-ю форму

Выполните упражнение 8 на постановку неправильных глаголов во 3-ю форму (в Past Participle). В данных предложениях поставьте неправильный глагол во 3-ю форму. Проверьте себя по ключу.


1. Has the key (fit) the lock?
2. People have always (strive) towards happiness.
3. He has (meet) your challenge.
4. Have you (speak) to him about your contract?
5. Have you (build) a new university yet?
6. They are walking around a meadow (sow) with daisies.
7. Sorry, I have (mistake) your meaning.
8. He has (run) for an hour without any rest.
9. She has (feel) that he is lying.
10. Why has he (grow) pale?
11. The wounded soldier has (creep) for three hours.
12. Which of you has (tell) a lie?
13. Have they (mow) corn?
14. He was (shoot) by a sniper.
15. Have you (sweep) the dead leaves into a pile?

1. Has the key fit the lock? – Ключ подошел к замку?
2. People have always striven towards happiness. – Люди всегда стремились к счастью.
3. He has met your challenge. – Он выполнил вашу задачу.
4. Have you spoken to him about your contract? – Ты поговорил с ним о вашем договоре?
5. Have you built a new university yet? – Вы уже построили новый университет?
6. They are walking around a meadow sown (можно sowed) with daisies. – Они гуляют по лугу, усеянному маргаритками.
7. Sorry, I have mistaken your meaning. – Простите, я неправильно вас понял.
8. He has run for an hour without any rest. – Он пробегал целый час без отдыха.
9. She has felt that he is lying. – Она почувствовала, что он лжет.
10. Why has he grown pale? – Почему он побледнел?
11. The wounded soldier has crept for three hours. – Раненый солдат полз три часа.
12. Which of you has told a lie? – Кто из вас обманул?
13. Have they mown (можно mowed) corn? – Они скосили хлеба?
14. He was shot by a sniper. – Он был застрелен снайпером.
15. Have you swept the dead leaves into a pile? – Вы смели в кучу опавшие листья?