Упражнение 3 на постановку глаголов во 3-ю форму

Выполните упражнение 3 на постановку неправильных глаголов во 3-ю форму (в Past Participle). В данных предложениях поставьте неправильный глагол во 3-ю форму. Проверьте себя по ключу.


1. Have you (forget) to lock the door again?
2. She has (win) his affection.
3. He has always (flee) from the bottle.
4. Sorry, I haven’t (catch) your name.
5. I have (buy) a fur coat for my wife.
6. She has (swim) across the river four times.
7. You have (spell) this word wrong.
8. He has always (fling) his money around.
9. He has (lead) a charge against them.
10. A fight has (arise).
11. They were (thrust) into the job.
12. Is that true that he has (forecast) your future?
13. He got his boots (wet).
14. Your participation has (swing) an election.
15. Has he (abide) by the circumstances?

1. Have you forgotten to lock the door again? – Вы снова забыли запереть дверь?
2. She has won his affection. – Она завоевала его расположение.
3. He has always fled from the bottle. – Он всегда избегал спиртных напитков.
4. Sorry, I haven’t caught your name. – Простите, я не расслышал ваше имя.
5. I have bought a fur coat for my wife. – Я купила шубу для жены.
6. She has swum across the river four times. – Она четыре раза переплывала через реку.
7. You have spelt this word wrong. – Вы неправильно написали это слово.
8. He has always flung his money around. – Он всегда разбрасывался деньгами.
9. He has led a charge against them. – Она вела судебное разбирательство с ним.
10. A fight has arisen. – Возник бой.
11. They were thrust into the job. – Их сразу загрузили работой.
12. Is that true that he has forecast your future? – Правда ли, что он предсказал твоё будущее?
13. He got his boots wet. – Он промочил ботинки.
14. Your participation has swung an election. – Твое участие решило исход выборов.
15. Has he abode by the circumstances? – Он смирился с обстоятельствами?