Упражнение 2 на постановку глаголов во 3-ю форму

Выполните упражнение 2 на постановку неправильных глаголов во 3-ю форму (в Past Participle). В данных предложениях поставьте неправильный глагол во 3-ю форму. Проверьте себя по ключу.


1. When was this well (dig)?
2. Who has (hit) my dog?
3. She has (bend) down to pick up a flower.
4. Have they (bind) themselves by contract?
5. He has (find) a $5 bill in the street.
6. Carpets are (mean) to be walked on.
7. Jane has (choose) Steve as her husband.
8. They have (spin) a coin.
9. He has (burn) the fish.
10. The hen has (lay) an egg.
11. They have (hide) from the police.
12. Have you (hear) that she has gone to Italy?
13. He has (fall) off the wall.
14. Have they (see) the sights yet?
15. Have you (make) your bed?

1. When was this well dug? – Когда был вырыт этот колодец?
2. Who has hit my dog? – Кто ударил мою собаку?
3. She has bent down to pick up a flower. – Она нагнулась, чтобы сорвать цветок.
4. Have they bound themselves by contract? – Они связаны контрактом?
5. He has found a $5 bill in the street. – Он нашел банкноту в 5 долларов на улице.
6. Carpets are meant to be walked on. – Ковры предназначены для того, чтобы по ним ходить.
7. Jane has chosen Steve as her husband. – Джейн избрала Стива своим мужем.
8. They have spun a coin. – Они бросили монетку.
9. He has burnt (можно burned) the fish. – Она пережарила рыбу (рыба пригорела).
10. The hen has laid an egg. – Курица снесла яйцо.
11. They have hidden from the police. – Они скрылись с места.
12. Have you heard that she has gone to Italy? – Вы слышали, что она уехала в Италию.
13. He has fallen off the wall. Он упал с лестницы.
14. Have they seen the sights yet? – Они уже видели достопримечательности?
15. Have you made your bed? – Вы заправили кровать?