ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 35 на лексику

Упражнение 35 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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Venice is the city and seaport in north-eastern Italy. Venice is situated on 120 islands __FORM__ by 177 canals in the lagoon between the Po and Piave rivers. Because of its historic role as a __NAVY__ and commercial centre, the city is known as the «Queen of the Adriatic». The Grand Canal, about 3 km __LENGTH __ , runs through Venice from north-west to south-east, __DIVISION__ the city into two __NEAR__ equal portions. No motor vehicles are permitted on the narrow lanes and streets that penetrate the old city; and the bridges are for pedestrians only.

Venice is the city and seaport in north-eastern Italy. Venice is situated on 120 islands FORMED by 177 canals in the lagoon between the Po and Piave rivers. Because of its historic role as a __NAVAL and commercial centre, the city is known as the «Queen of the Adriatic». The Grand Canal, about 3 km LONG , runs through Venice from north-west to south-east, DIVIDING the city into two NEARLY equal portions. No motor vehicles are permitted on the narrow lanes and streets that penetrate the old city; and the bridges are for pedestrians only.