ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 12 на лексику

Упражнение 12 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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A Person’s Opinion on Higher Education

In my opinion, the Russian system of higher education is more __VALUE__ for its early specialization. Besides, the course work produces more informed students in the fields of studies chosen by them. __ACADEMY__ success in Russian universities depends on the time and efforts put in class. Meanwhile in many __BRITAIN__ and American universities it is homework. Also Russian students are mostly used to solving problems at __DIFFER__ seminars with other students.

I sometimes ask myself if the cost of education is worth it. A student spends years of __PRICE__ time studying and learning. And parents have to work hard to pay for the education. What are the benefits? In most cases, the effect makes a better life. And what can be more __IMPORTANCE__ than that?

A Person’s Opinion on Higher Education

In my opinion, the Russian system of higher education is more VALUABLE for its early specialization. Besides, the course work produces more informed students in the fields of studies chosen by them. ACADEMIC success in Russian universities depends on the time and efforts put in class. Meanwhile in many BRITISH and American universities it is homework. Also Russian students are mostly used to solving problems at DIFFERENT seminars with other students.

I sometimes ask myself if the cost of education is worth it. A student spends years of PRICELESS time studying and learning. And parents have to work hard to pay for the education. What are the benefits? In most cases, the effect makes a better life. And what can be more IMPORTANT than that?