ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 35 на грамматику

Упражнение 35 на грамматику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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One night I __BE__ alone at home with my ten-year-old daughter. She woke me up in the middle of the night: «Mum, mum! There was a man outside the house.

He __WATCH__ me through the window!»

I __LOOK__ out of the window. I could see the shape of a man outside. Who was he? What was he doing there?

I went downstairs hardly daring to breathe, afraid that he would hear my movements. I reached for the telephone, lifted the receiver and dialed 999.

The police answered and I explained what __HAPPEN__.

They said that they __COME__ at once. Soon a police car __STOP__ in front of the house. I hurried downstairs and opened the front door. A police officer came in. «What has happened?» he asked. After listening to my story he went out and after a while returned. «It’s all right,» he said.

«I __JUST SEE__ that man. He is walking his dog.»

One night I WAS alone at home with my ten-year-old daughter. She woke me up in the middle of the night: «Mum, mum! There was a man outside the house.

He WAS WATCHING me through the window!»

I LOOKED out of the window. I could see the shape of a man outside. Who was he? What was he doing there?

I went downstairs hardly daring to breathe, afraid that he would hear my movements. I reached for the telephone, lifted the receiver and dialed 999.

The police answered and I explained what HAD HAPPENED (или также WAS HAPPENING).

They said that they WOULD COME at once. Soon a police car STOPPED in front of the house. I hurried downstairs and opened the front door. A police officer came in. «What has happened?» he asked. After listening to my story he went out and after a while returned. «It’s all right,» he said.

«I HAVE JUST SEEN that man. He is walking his dog.»