Упражнение 44 на лексическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на лексическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Environmental Protection

Nowadays more and more people are worried about our environment. Journalists discuss these problems on the pages of their newspapers. Scientists hold special conferences in order to find a solution and make the right __DECIDE__ how to help our planet.

If we want to continue living happily on our planet, we should understand the __IMPORTANT__ of environmental protection.

First of all, we ought to find an opportunity to reduce the amount of air pollution and build special water __TREAT__ facilities.

We must also stop __LAWFUL__ killing of birds and animals and we should not destroy their natural habitats in order to build homes or to make farmlands.

Finally, we must ensure the safety of nuclear power plants as nuclear accidents have __DISASTER__ consequences.

If we do not take any action now, the life on our planet may end __TRAGIC__.

Environmental Protection

Nowadays more and more people are worried about our environment. Journalists discuss these problems on the pages of their newspapers. Scientists hold special conferences in order to find a solution and make the right DECISION how to help our planet.

If we want to continue living happily on our planet, we should understand the IMPORTANCE of environmental protection.

First of all, we ought to find an opportunity to reduce the amount of air pollution and build special water TREATMENT facilities.

We must also stop UNLAWFUL killing of birds and animals and we should not destroy their natural habitats in order to build homes or to make farmlands.

Finally, we must ensure the safety of nuclear power plants as nuclear accidents have DISASTROUSconsequences.

If we do not take any action now, the life on our planet may end TRAGICALLY.