Упражнение 41 на лексическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на лексическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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The Effects of Mass Media

Nowadays mass media affect the life of all people. They shape, form and influence the buying decisions of the majority through its advertising schemes bombarding our daily __EXIST__. As a result, this leads to the invincible effects of the media on our society.

The present effects of mass media are both exciting and __DREAD__. On the plus side, mass media make our lives easier and more interesting. Along with Information and Communication Technologies, they produce a breakthrough and innovative standard of living for the people to embrace.

Yet for young people, and especially for teens, the influence of the media is rather __DESTROY__.

Teenagers __GENERAL__ accept what is shown in the media as a truthful image of the outside world, although in most cases this is not true at all. Moreover, teens of today are exposed to countless advertising messages, which often contain __LEAD__ or unnecessary information.

A life without the presence of mass media would seem __PROBABLE__ to most of us! However, a line has to be drawn between the positive and the negative media in the interests of the younger generation.

The Effects of Mass Media

Nowadays mass media affect the life of all people. They shape, form and influence the buying decisions of the majority through its advertising schemes bombarding our daily EXISTENCE. As a result, this leads to the invincible effects of the media on our society.

The present effects of mass media are both exciting and DREADFUL. On the plus side, mass media make our lives easier and more interesting. Along with Information and Communication Technologies, they produce a breakthrough and innovative standard of living for the people to embrace.

Yet for young people, and especially for teens, the influence of the media is rather DESTRUCTIVE.

Teenagers GENERALLY accept what is shown in the media as a truthful image of the outside world, although in most cases this is not true at all. Moreover, teens of today are exposed to countless advertising messages, which often contain MISLEADING or unnecessary information.

A life without the presence of mass media would seem IMPROBABLE to most of us! However, a line has to be drawn between the positive and the negative media in the interests of the younger generation.