Задание 44 на тексты и заголовки

Тренировочное задание 44 на подбор заголовков к текстам.


A. Pupils Reject Healthy, but Costly School Meals.
В. Financial Obstacles to Healthy School Meals.
С. Making All Kinds of Healthy Food Available to Pupils.
D. Developing Healthy-Minded Food Choices at School.
E. Culture and Food-Related Etiquette.
F. Nations’ Food Portraits and Going Overseas.
G. Healthy Meals Are Family Meals.
H. The Right Meals at the Right Times.

1. In some countries people eat with forks and spoons while in others people may use fingers or chopsticks. However, utensil choice is much more complicated than choosing chopsticks or fingers. In some countries, licking the fingers is polite; in others, licking the fingers is considered impolite. The amount of food people eat and leave uneaten also varies from group to group. Some people from Middle East and Southeast Asian countries might leave a little bit of food on their plates in order to indicate that their hunger has been satisfied.

2. One in seven of Denbighshire’s schoolchildren has given up school meals in the past three years and the take-up rate is much less than it was before, only about 48% now. And that is because the cost of groceries rose by 29,000 last year and more was paid for meat. The increased use of fresh vegetables has pushed the cost of meals well above inflation. Rising costs for fresh vegetables and fish are also adding to pressures. Even modest price rises could lead to a disproportionate drop in the number of pupils eating school dinners.

3. The idea of set mealtimes eaten together as a family may feel like an impossible task given for our ‘hectic, 21st century’ lifestyles. But it should be remembered that regular meals are essential when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And nowadays there is no other way but to start eat regularly and at one and the same time. Eating on the go, sporadic mealtimes and snacks are not good habits, especially for kids. This can often lead to skipping meals altogether meaning your kids will be missing out on essential nutrients.

4. Pauline Page, finance and administration manager at Whole School Foods, a catering company in Kent, said food prices are 20 to 25% higher than this time last year. “It’s been getting worse since last October. The cost of all food is going up — even from local suppliers. It’s quite tough at the moment,” Page said. School caterers are struggling to keep healthy meals on the menu as the price of basic ingredients soars.

5. “Getting students excited and interested in preparing and cooking ‘real’ food is an important way of encouraging them to make healthier, informed food choices,” says Steven Watts. “At the start of this year, we launched our own interactive cooking competition for secondary schools, it is designed to inspire students to eat and live healthily.”

6. The Select menu offers pupils more fresh fruit, vegetable and salad options, more home-cooked foods, all fresh meat sourced from the UK and a comprehensive reduction in fat, salt and sugar content. Feedback from the 25 schools taking part in the nationwide trial has been extremely positive, with figures showing meal take-up rising by as much as 23 per cent.

7. The idea of linking cuisine to national character goes back a long way: think, for example, of the French characterisation of the English as ‘ros-bifs’ and the English calling the French ‘frogs*, each based on ideas of the food eaten in the other country. The existence of religious feasts, fasts and prescriptions on certain foods (or requirements to eat them) also make a difference to a national cuisine too. When travelling, don’t forget about national cuisines. Learn about them before you go anywhere.

1 – E
2 – A
3 – H
4 – B
5 – D
6 – C
7 – F