Задание 37 на тексты и заголовки в ОГЭ по английскому

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками.


A. Mr. Know-all
B. Age is not a problem
C. Unfavourable effect
D. Different opinions
E. Generosity
F. A dangerous situation

1. Many people listen to a specific radio station. One morning listeners heard more than just music. They heard the disc jockey threaten himself and others. People who work at the radio station called the police. They got worried when they heard the disc jockey talking about a fight he had with his wife. He was talking about it while he was on the air. The man’s young son was in the building so the police needed to be very careful. The man was taken to the police station. Nobody was hurt.

2. Carl loves the mountains. He is a park ranger in Yosemite National Park. He has worked in the park for 63 years. Carl wakes up every morning at 6:00 a.m. His cabin door looks out toward the top of a mountain. At ninety years old, Carl is the oldest park ranger. Ranger Carl likes to walk in his favorite meadow. Many visitors have walked with him over the years. Even though he has seen things at the park, he believes it is a miracle.

3. Mr. Brown is known for always finding the right answers. He remembers a lot of things people ask about. He says that every day is different, so he is never bored. He tries to return the answers within 24 hours. He will answer any questions that he can. The questions he gets are very different each day. He loves his job. Other companies do not have a place for people to ask questions. If they do, it may take a long time to get an answer. Sometimes you may never get an answer at all. It is important for companies to have a person who will answer your questions.

4. People decided to help survivors who lost their homes in a hurricane. People donated food, water and even medicines. They collected a lot of supplies to send to the Gulf Coast. The men who started collecting were ready to send supplies after five days. They loaded a semi-truck with food, medicines and other things. The first truck was sent to Louisiana to help people who had lost their belongings and homes. It took the truck about a day and a half to get there from California. Seven more trucks were loaded and made ready. The trucks were sent to states that were damaged by Hurricane Katrina.

5. A man who had beaten his coach got his job back. He played basketball for a professional team. At first the league told him he could not play after he had committed a crime. But three months later the league made the decision to let him play again. Such a thing has never happened before. Some people are not happy the player got his job back. The owner of the team was shocked. A person on the street said that in other jobs a person would get fired for beating his boss. Another person on the street said that the coach was to blame. A player of the team said he would not mind if the player came back and helped the team win.

1 – F
2 – B
3 – A
4 – E
5 – D