Задание 20 на тексты и заголовки в ОГЭ по английскому

Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами и их заголовками: к каждому тексту, обозначенному буквами А–G, подберите соответствующий заголовок, обозначенный цифрами 1–8. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


1. Motives for cruel treatment
2. All shapes and sizes
3. National No Bullying month
4. The way to stop them
5. Celebrities as cybervictims
6. Real-life bullies versus cyberbullies
7. The effects of what they do
8. A new way to bully

A. Almost every teen has access to the internet nowadays and most of them have a mobile phone. So it is not surprising that cyberbullying, or bullying through new technologies, has appeared. Experts now believe that the sites that kids get bullied on are endless: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, ask.fm, Snapchat, Vine, ect.

B. Cyberbullies do not resemble typical bullies, who are often dominant. They may be less dominant which makes them completely different from real-life bullies. These results prove that online bullies are a different group of troublemakers. Cyberbullies do not have to be tough to be able to bully. They abuse their victims hiding behind their computer screens.

C. Even though cyberspace seems perfect for bullying by strangers, many cyberbullies are their victims’ classmates, friends, and schoolmates. Cyberbullies are more often boys, while cybervictims are girls. Even well-liked celebrities can be targeted by cyberbullies. Tom Daley, the British Olympic diver, was abused online. His father died during the 2012 Olympic Games and Tom received some very cruel tweets about this.

D. When the researchers interviewed teenagers on their experiences with cyberbullying, they mentioned competition between friends and jealousy as common motives. A revenge motive was also among them. Friends or romantic couples thought of punishing those who had done something to harm them after the break-up of their relationship. Entertainment and the need for resources were less often mentioned.

E. Cyberbullying is often abuse through emails, instant messages, text messages or other modes of electronic communication. This includes name-calling, lying about people to spoil their reputation. The bully may even steal the victim’s password, hack his or her accounts, and send embarrassing messages to others or make expensive purchases.

F. Anti-bullying activists say: “Never be bullied into silence”. The 21st century online bullying can be extremely dangerous and damaging to the emotional and physical development of youths because it opens up its victims to 24-hour humiliation. Until our society recognizes cyberbullying as a serious crime, the suffering of thousands of silent victims will continue.

G. Cyberbullying happens every day, since teens use the Internet regularly. Only 1 out of 10 victims of cyberbullying tells a trusted adult or a parent about their abuse. This means that the rest of them silently suffer from deep depression. A cybervictim usually turns into a different person who starts doing badly at school. Victims of cyberbullying are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide.

A – 8
B – 6
C – 5
D – 1
E – 2
F – 4
G – 7