ЕГЭ: Задание 91 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A. Ella thinks travelling is an unpleasant part of her job.
B. Ella’s problems are often caused by insensitive editors.
C. In Mauritius, Ella had no time to take all the planned photos.
D. A problem at the airport prevented the plane from landing at Nairobi.
E. After the landing in Uganda some of the luggage was lost.
F. The experience at Nairobi made Ella change some of her opinions.
G. At present, Ella is thinking about whether to change jobs.

A. Ella thinks travelling is an unpleasant part of her job. TRUE
B. Ella’s problems are often caused by insensitive editors. FALSE
C. In Mauritius, Ella had no time to take all the planned photos. FALSE
D. A problem at the airport prevented the plane from landing at Nairobi. TRUE
E. After the landing in Uganda some of the luggage was lost. FALSE
F. The experience at Nairobi made Ella change some of her opinions. TRUE
G. At present, Ella is thinking about whether to change jobs. NOT STATED

Interviewer: Ella, every time you set off on a trip to some exotic location, we all feel very envious…
Ella: Yes, most people would consider it one of the best jobs in the world. So how can I tell you that without fail, each time I have to go away, the days before I go are filled with a sense of dread. I’d live without all that travelling if I could.
Interviewer: So once you’re at your destination, can anything go wrong
Ella: Well, there’s a lot of pressure to come back with photographs. This is not an easy task when the models are in a bad mood and the hairdresser is depressed, that sort of thing. All of this has happened to me and yet the editors, understandably, want happy, smiling, pictures, with blue sea and blue skies. You can’t blame them for that, they’re only doing their job.
Interviewer: You’ve just returned from Mauritius. That place really is paradise, isn’t it?
Ella: Oh, yes, but we were there to work, remember? We needed to shoot three different fashion stories so we had several assistants, the make-up and hair team, and four models. What we were not expecting is that because it was so hot and sunny, we couldn’t shoot between midday and four in the afternoon. Sounds good until you have to get up at four-thirty in the morning to be ready as the sun rises.
Interviewer: And then I understand you had an unpleasant experience on the way back?
Ella: Yes, the flight lasts 13 hours, four to Nairobi, then there’s an hour’s stopover there, and then another eight hours to London. Well, three hours into the flight the captain told us there was a problem and we wouldn’t be able to land at Nairobi. The plane skidded on the runway and wouldn’t move. I suppose we would have felt worse if he’d told us there was something wrong with our plane…
Interviewer: So you flew direct to London?
Ella: No, because we did not have enough fuel, so we landed again four hours later, in Uganda. We were then told we had to stay in Uganda at least eight hours for the crew to rest. I wouldn’t have minded that so much, except that we had to take all our luggage with us. Locating all our suitcases and bags and loading them on to minibuses was a nightmare. 25 suitcases containing thousands of pounds worth of clothes, plus three trolleys with expensive photographic equipment…
Interviewer: So it was one of those trips when absolutely nothing goes well…
Ella: The photos were OK, so it was worth it in the end. I think, though, that the true value of the experience is what it taught me about the members of my team, it was wonderful to see how supportive of each other they were. I’d had this idea that in this profession it was everyone for himself so to speak. So, in that respect it’s been very positive.

Упр. 90 | 91 | 92