ЕГЭ: Задание 89 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A. Tom generally prefers not to travel abroad on holiday.
B. Tom’s recent holiday came at an inconvenient moment.
C. Sally once went on a free holiday as a result of her job.
D. Sally enjoyed her trip to a salt works.
E. On holiday, Sally prefers to choose the activities she takes part in.
F. If Tom has a good book to read, he doesn’t mind where he sits.
G. Sally begins to feel bored if she sits alone in the sun for too long.

A. Tom generally prefers not to travel abroad on holiday. TRUE
B. Tom’s recent holiday came at an inconvenient moment. FALSE
C. Sally once went on a free holiday as a result of her job. TRUE
D. Sally enjoyed her trip to a salt works. FALSE
E. On holiday, Sally prefers to choose the activities she takes part in. TRUE
F. If Tom has a good book to read, he doesn’t mind where he sits. NOT STATED
G. Sally begins to feel bored if she sits alone in the sun for too long. TRUE

Sally: Hello, Tom. You look very relaxed. Did you have a good holiday?
Tom: Well, I have been in the sun, abroad actually.
Sally: Really?
Tom: Yes, although as you probably know, I spend most of my holidays in this country with my family. But I had a reason for changing that this year. Until last Christmas, I was the captain of a football team. And then I resigned, you know, I got fed up with it. Anyway, I thought the team might ask me to come back, so I decided it was best to be out of the country at the beginning of the football season.
Sally: Oh I see. So, where did you go?
Tom: I’ve been to Ibiza, the island in the Mediterranean.
Sally: Oh really. I went there myself once.
Tom: Did you?
Sally: Yes. I didn’t pay, mind you. I got it free.
Tom: How come?
Sally: It was about ten years ago. I remember it was a travel company and they were being criticised in the press for the way they organised their package tours to such places and so they paid for a whole party of journalists like me to go to Ibiza. Actually, we had a really dull time there.
Tom: You didn’t like it?
Sally: Oh it’s a lovely place. No, it wasn’t that, it was because they insisted on entertaining us, you know, they wouldn’t leave us alone to enjoy it. For instance, one day they suddenly announced that we were going on a trip to a salt works. As it happens, I’d already been to one and once you’ve seen one, well, I mean, they’re all alike. It was so boring.
Tom: But I can’t imagine you liking a beach holiday, I have to say.
Sally: You’re quite right. I set out with good intentions, you know, with magazines to read, towels to lie on and I sit there. But you can’t get comfortable, whichever way you turn you start to get burnt, so you put on that sticky stuff and then you get sand in everything.
Tom: Well, there’s a slightly more civilised way, you know. I tend to sit at a poolside with a sun lounger and a chair, so there’s no sand and you can read if you want to, and if you start to get too hot, you can jump in the pool to cool off.
Sally: I know a lot of people who like that and I wish I did, but it’s funny, I find it difficult to sit by a swimming pool and do nothing. I think of all the streets I haven’t walked and the shops I haven’t looked round, you know, I can’t get comfortable just sitting in the sun. I’ve got to have someone to talk to or something to do.
Tom: But you could read for three or four hours, couldn’t you? If you had a good novel?
Sally: Anywhere but on a beach.
Tom: Really? So what’s your idea of a good holiday then?
Sally: The best holidays I ever had were the ones I spent in Ireland. I’ve got such happy memories .

Упр. 88 | 89 | 90