ЕГЭ: Задание 56 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A) Victor doesn’t like the TV show “Who wants to be a Millionaire?”
B) Anna is completely bored with the programme
C) Anna finds Victor’s essay topic very interesting.
D) Victor believes there were remarkable men of action in the 19th century.
E) Florence Nightingale came from a wealthy family.
F) Anna doesn’t like Florence Nightingale.
G) Anna would have liked to be Nancy Astor.

A) Victor doesn’t like the TV show “Who wants to be a Millionaire?” TRUE
B) Anna is completely bored with the programme FALSE
C) Anna finds Victor’s essay topic very interesting. FALSE
D) Victor believes there were remarkable men of action in the 19th century. NOT STATED
E) Florence Nightingale came from a wealthy family. TRUE
F) Anna doesn’t like Florence Nightingale. FALSE
G) Anna would have liked to be Nancy Astor. NOT STATED

Victor. Which person in history would you most have liked to be?
Anna. Victor — I am trying to watch TV!
Victor. Yes you are watching “Who wants to be a millionaire” which means that actually you are completely bored and need stimulating discussion.
Anna. I like this programme. The questions are interesting. It’s you who are bored. Why don’t you go and read a book or get on with that wretched history essay you’ve been writing. What is it — ‘On social reform in the middle nineteenth century’? It sounds as interesting as watching paint drying!
Victor. The essay, I admit, is rather boring. There are too many laws, acts and committees and not enough action in these years. But there were some remarkable individuals at that time. Florence Nightingale for example — would you like to have been her? I can tell you she lived a long life — 90 years I think- and was respected and honoured in her life time.
Anna. I know about Nightingale. She was an aristocrat, wasn’t she? Her rich family tried to stop her from becoming a nurse and going to war. What was the nickname they gave her?
Victor. She was known as “The Lady of the Lamp” because she moved among the sick and wounded carrying a lamp. The soldiers thought she wras like an angel.
Anna. Enough already! I’m watching TV!
Victor. Her work changed everything in respect to hygiene and sanitation. Her birthday, the 12th of May, is International Nurses Day and all new nurses take the “Nightingale Pledge”.
Anna. No.
Victor. What do you mean “No”?
Anna. No I wouldn’t have wanted to be Florence Nightingale — although of course I admire her. I wouldn’t want to have spent my life among the sick and injured. I’m just not that kind of person. Also she had so much opposition from men who thought women were only fit to be wives and mothers. To be honest, I’m perfectly happy being me.
Victor. Cleopatra? Jane Austen, Nancy Astor, Billie Holiday, Coco Chanel?
Anna. Nancy Astor’s certainly one of my all time heroines and role models. She was clever and funny; the first woman MP and so important in the fight for women’s equality. She said “We are not asking for superiority for we have always had that — all we seek is equality.”
Victor. Yes. I see. So you would have liked to have been Nancy, wouldn’t you?
Anna. What I would like, brother dear, is to watch my TV programme. Ah — look it’s finishing now!
Victor. And my programme is on next — “Top Gear”
Anna. I think you’ll be remembered by history as — Victor the Annoying.

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