ЕГЭ: Задание 101 на диалог и утверждения

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).

Play диалог

A. Lucy and Jack are university students.
B. Jack is a football fan.
C. During his summer trip to Russia Jack visited 2 cities.
D. Lucy can speak Russian.
E. It was difficult for Jack to get a Russian visa.
F. Lucy will need to get a visa to go to Moscow in December.
G. Jack and Lucy are planning to stay with Jack’s Russian friends.

A. Lucy and Jack are university students. NOT STATED
B. Jack is a football fan. TRUE
C. During his summer trip to Russia Jack visited 2 cities. TRUE
D. Lucy can speak Russian. NOT STATED
E. It was difficult for Jack to get a Russian visa. FALSE
F. Lucy will need to get a visa to go to Moscow in December. TRUE
G. Jack and Lucy are planning to stay with Jack’s Russian friends. FALSE

Lucy: Hi Jack! Good to see you! How did you spend your summer vacation? Jack: Oh, I had a fantastic time! You know how much I like soccer…
Lucy: Don’t tell me you went to Moscow to the World Cup!
Jack: I sure did. And it was amazing!
Lucy: It must have cost you a fortune!
Jack: Well, the tickets were really expensive, but then everything else wasn’t that bad. And guess what! If you had a ticket to the game in another city, the train ride was free.
Lucy: Wow! What other cities did you go to?
Jack: Just St. Petersburg. But that was enough. I didn’t have time to see everything. That would have taken months. There’s just so much to see and explore there.
Lucy: How did you manage to get around? You don’t speak a word of Russian!
Jack: I didn’t need to. Everyone that I talked to spoke decent English. There were lots of English-speaking volunteers around to help out if you had any troubles. And there were fans from all over the world, and most of them spoke English too.
Lucy: That’s so cool! So what did you think of Russia? Did it turn out to be any different from what you had expected?
Jack: Yes, it was completely different. I didn’t know that Russia was so modern. And I didn’t expect the people to be so friendly. I had always heard that Russians were gloomy and depressed. But everyone was smiling and happy and curious about us foreigners.
Lucy: What about Russian food? Did you like it?
Jack: Absolutely! That was the best part. I especially enjoyed eating piroshky.
Lucy: What’s that?
Jack: Well, the tickets were really expensive, but then everything else wasn’t that bad. And guess what! If you had a ticket to the game in another city, the train ride was free.
Lucy: Wow! What other cities did you go to?
Jack: Just St. Petersburg. But that was enough. I didn’t have time to see everything. That would have taken months. There’s just so much to see and explore there.
Lucy: How did you manage to get around? You don’t speak a word of Russian!
Jack: I didn’t need to. Everyone that I talked to spoke decent English. There were lots of English-speaking volunteers around to help out if you had any troubles. And there were fans from all over the world, and most of them spoke English too.
Lucy: That’s so cool! So what did you think of Russia? Did it turn out to be any different from what you had expected?
Jack: Yes, it was completely different. I didn’t know that Russia was so modern. And I didn’t expect the people to be so friendly. I had always heard that Russians were gloomy and depressed. But everyone was smiling and happy and curious about us foreigners.
Lucy: What about Russian food? Did you like it?
Jack: Absolutely! That was the best part. I especially enjoyed eating piroshky.
Lucy: What’s that?
Jack: There are a lot of small hotels which are not that expensive. We’ll check them out on the Internet. Prices should be cheaper than during the World Cup.
Lucy: Oh, I’m so excited!
Jack: Me too! It’s a plan then!

Упр. 99 | 101