Упражнение 73 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

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Kipu Falls

Travel guidebooks call Kipu Falls ‘a glorious little hidden place’. This terrific little waterfall __LOVE__ by locals and tourists alike.

The 20-foot rock wall __SURROUND__ most of the falls. The pool below is deep and crystal clear.

But the alluring beauty of the waterfall and natural pool conceals a deadly side. It is considered to be one of Hawaii’s __DANGEROUS__ tourist spots.

Five visitors __DROWN__ at Kipu Falls so far, including two since December.

In most of the cases, the swimmers jumped off the top of the waterfall into the pool of blue-green water about 20 __FOOT__ below.

Then they __PULL__ to their deaths while attempting to swim to the shore. The deaths have given rise to speculation about whether there’s a powerful whirlpool current in the swimming hole and prompted local authorities to push for greater restrictions to the site.

At present the Hawaii Visitors Bureau __URGE__ hotel concierges and tour operators to steer people away from the area.

Kipu Falls

Travel guidebooks call Kipu Falls ‘a glorious little hidden place’. This terrific little waterfall IS LOVED by locals and tourists alike.

The 20-foot rock wall SURROUNDS most of the falls. The pool below is deep and crystal clear.

But the alluring beauty of the waterfall and natural pool conceals a deadly side. It is considered to be one of Hawaii’s MOST DANGEROUS tourist spots.

Five visitors HAVE DROWNED at Kipu Falls so far, including two since December.

In most of the cases, the swimmers jumped off the top of the waterfall into the pool of blue-green water about 20 FEET below.

Then they WERE PULLED to their deaths while attempting to swim to the shore. The deaths have given rise to speculation about whether there’s a powerful whirlpool current in the swimming hole and prompted local authorities to push for greater restrictions to the site.

At present the Hawaii Visitors Bureau IS URGING hotel concierges and tour operators to steer people away from the area.