Упражнение 58 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на грамматическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Halloween is one of the world’s __OLD__ holidays.

Every kid __LOOK__ forward to the 31st of October. Little boys magically turn into vampires and little girls into fairies.

Halloween’s origins go all the way back to ancient times with the Celtic festival of Samhain, __MARK__ the end of summer and harvest time and the beginning of dark, cold winter.

During the festivities, poor citizens asked for food and __GIVE__ cakes in return for their promise to pray for the family’s dead relatives.

Today Halloween __CELEBRATE__ in several countries around the globe.

A traditional food eaten 011 Halloween is ‘barnbrack’, which is a kind of fruitcake. People usually bake a muslin-wrapped treat inside the cake, which can foretell the __EATER__ future.

For example, if a ring is found in the cake, the person __GET__ married soon.


Halloween is one of the world’s OLDEST holidays.

Every kid LOOKS forward to the 31st of October. Little boys magically turn into vampires and little girls into fairies.

Halloween’s origins go all the way back to ancient times with the Celtic festival of Samhain, MARKING the end of summer and harvest time and the beginning of dark, cold winter.

During the festivities, poor citizens asked for food and WERE GIVEN cakes in return for their promise to pray for the family’s dead relatives.

Today Halloween IS CELEBRATED in several countries around the globe.

A traditional food eaten 011 Halloween is ‘barnbrack’, which is a kind of fruitcake. People usually bake a muslin-wrapped treat inside the cake, which can foretell the EATER’S future.

For example, if a ring is found in the cake, the person WILL GET married soon.