Упражнение 17 на грамматическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на грамматическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Lift note

Melanie was paying a visit to her friend Henry to see his new flat. After ( ARRIVE ) at his building, she called the lift down from its previous destination, Floor 1, and stepped inside.

She noticed a sign by the panel of buttons. She ignored it for a moment and simply pressed the button for the ( FIVE ) floor, the floor that Henry lived on.

She read the note as the lift ascended. Apparently, some people in the building thought some of the other residents were a bit lazy, because the note said, ‘Dear Floor 1, are the stairs broken? Love, Floors 2-7! Melanie laughed and wondered who ( WRITE ) the note!

Lift note

Melanie was paying a visit to her friend Henry to see his new flat. After ARRIVING at his building, she called the lift down from its previous destination, Floor 1, and stepped inside.

She noticed a sign by the panel of buttons. She ignored it for a moment and simply pressed the button for the FIFTH floor, the floor that Henry lived on.

She read the note as the lift ascended. Apparently, some people in the building thought some of the other residents were a bit lazy, because the note said, ‘Dear Floor 1, are the stairs broken? Love, Floors 2-7! Melanie laughed and wondered who HAD WRITTEN the note!