
Упражнение на герундий.

Поставьте глагол, заключенный в скобки, в форме герундия и поставьте перед ним соответствующий предлог:


1. I have no intention (to stay) here any longer.
2. She insisted (to help) me.
3. Are you fond (to play) tennis?
4. He has had very much experience (to teach).
5. There is no possibility (to find) his house.
6. There is little chance (to see) her today.
7. We have the pleasure (to send) you our samples.
8. I think (to go) to the south in summer.
9. He is afraid (to catch) cold.
10. I am proud (to have) such a son.
11. The rain prevented me (to come).
12. He is engaged (to write) a book.
13. They had much difficulty (to find) the house.

1. I have no intention of staying here any longer.
У меня нет намерения больше здесь оставаться.

2. She insisted on helping me.
Она настаивала на помощи мне.

3. Are you fond of playing tennis?
Ты любишь играть в теннис?

4. He has had very much experience in teaching.
У него очень большой опыт в обучении.

5. There is no possibility of finding his house.
Нет возможности найти его дом.

6. There is little chance of seeing her today.
Есть мало шансов увидеть ее сегодня.

7. We have the pleasure of sending you our samples.
Нам приятно отправить вам наши образцы.

8. I think of going to the south in summer.
Я думаю поехать на юг летом.

9. He is afraid of catching cold.
Он боится простыть.

10. I am proud of having such a son.
Я горд иметь такого сына.

11. The rain prevented me from coming.
Дождь помешал мне прийти.

12. He is engaged in writing a book.
Он увлечен написанием книги.

13. They had much difficulty in finding the house.
Им было очень трудно найти этот дом.