Упражнение на настоящие времена

Выполните упражнение на отработку настоящих времен (present tenses) английского языка.

Поставьте глагол в правильное время.


1. Education (prepare) children for life.
2. He (always, borrow) books from me!
3. He (pass) two subjects, but he (not, pass) English yet.
4. Do you know that someone (break) the window in our classroom?
5. In our country we (have) lessons on Saturday.
6. How long (you, know) Alison? — We (be) friends for 5 years.
7. Peter (make) two mistakes in exercise 1 and three in exercise 2.
8. I (work) on this composition for two weeks now.
9. She (look) for a better opportunity at the moment.
10. Let’s look at the timetable. The lesson (start) at 10 o’clock.
11. Who (use) my cup? It’s dirty!
12. Greg, you (look) a bit tired. What (you, do) all day?
13. I (already, have) two messages from Peter and in all of them he (say) that he (come) here for a fortnight.
14. How many pages (he, write)?
15. (you, ever, be) to London? – No, I (never, be) there.
16. The Universe (expand) since its beginning.

17. Her eyes are red. ___ ?
1) Is she crying?
2) Has she been crying?

18. “How many exams ___ ?” “I think, five.”
1) does he pass
2) has he passed

19. The little bear asked, “Who ___ on my chair?”
1) have sat
2) has been sitting

20. ___ faster than sound?
1) Does light travel
2) Is light traveling

21. The lesson ___ at 12.
1) doesn’t finish
2) isn’t finishing

22. The museum ___ a large collection of paintings.
1) is owning
2) owns

23. It seems people ___ new things about nature.
1) are always discovering
2) discover always

24. What’s the matter? Why ___ at me like that?
1) are you looking
2) have you been looking

25. How long ___ on this problem so far?
1) do you work
2) have you been working

1. Education prepares children for life. – Образование готовит детей к жизни.

2. He is always borrowing books from me! – Он всегда берет у меня взаймы книги!

3. He has passed two subjects, but he has not passed English yet. – Он сдал уже три предмета, но пока еще не сдал английский язык.

4. Do you know that someone has broken the window in our classroom? – Ты знаешь, что кто-то разбил окно в нашей классной комнате?

5. In our country we have lessons on Saturday. – В нашей стране у нас есть занятия по субботам.

6. How long have you known Alison? — We have been friends for 5 years. – Как долго ты знаешь Алисон? – Мы друзья уже 5 лет.

7. Peter has made two mistakes in exercise 1 and three in exercise 2. – Питер сделал две ошибки в упражнении 1 и три в упражнении 2.

8. I have been working on this composition for two weeks now. – Я работаю над этим сочинением уже две недели.

9. She is looking for a better opportunity at the moment.- Она ищет лучшей возможности в настоящий момент.

10. Let’s look at the timetable. The lesson starts at 10 o’clock. – Давай посмотрим на расписание. Урок начнется в 10 часов.

11. Who has used (или has been using) my cup? It’s dirty! – Кто пользовался моей чашкой? Она грязная!

12. Greg, you look (или are looking) a bit tired. What have you been doing all day?

13. I have already had two messages from Peter and in all of them he says that he is coming here for a fortnight. – Я уже получил два сообщения от Питера, и во всех он говорит, что приезжает сюда на две недели.

14. How many pages has he written? – Сколько страниц он написал?

15. Have you ever been to London? – No, I have never been there.

16. The Universe has been expanding since its beginning. – Вселенная расширяется с начала своего существования.

17. Her eyes are red. Has she been crying? – У нее красные глаза. Она плакала?

18. “How many exams has he passed?” “I think, five.” – Сколько экзаменов он сдал? – Я думаю пять.

19. The little bear asked, “Who has been sitting on my chair?” – Маленький медвежонок спросил: “Кто сидел на моем стуле?”

20. Does light travel faster than sound? – Свет движется быстрее звука?

21. The lesson doesn’t finish at 12. – Урок не заканчивается в 12 часов.

22. The museum owns a large collection of paintings. – Музей владеет большой коллекцией картин.

23. It seems people are always discovering new things about nature. – Кажется, что люди непрерывно делают открытия в природе.

24. What’s the matter? Why are you looking at me like that? – Что случилось? Почему ты на меня так смотришь?

25. How long have you been working on this problem so far? – Как долго вы уже работаете над этой проблемой?