You can describe someone as arrogant if they think that they are better than other people and behave in an unpleasant way towards them.

1. My husband was an arrogant, bullying little drunkard.
2. I think it would be arrogant if I tried to give any advice.

You can describe someone as proud if they have strong feelings of self-respect.

3. …millions of decent, proud, hard-working people.
4. He was a poor, but very proud old man.

You can also say that someone is proud of something they have or something they have done. This means that they think it is good and are pleased about it.

5. He was proud of his son-in-law.
6. We were all tired but proud of our efforts.

Proud can also be used with a similar meaning to arrogant. Someone who is proud thinks that they are better than other people and ignores the feelings or advice of others.

7. She was too proud to apologize.
8. She was proud and defiant.