
An accident is something that happens unexpectedly or by chance, especially something unpleasant, undesirable.

1. Her father was killed in a car accident.
2. There was a serious railway accident near London yesterday.
3. He had an accident at work. A crate fell on him and injured his shoulder. (Such accidents are officially called industrial accidents.)
– John’s left the door unlocked.
– I’m sure it was an accident.
– I’m afraid I’ve broken a glass.
– Oh, don’t worry. Accidents will happen.

By accident is used in the same sense as accidentally in such sentences as:

6. Our luggage was sent on to Rome by accident.

An incident is an event, especially one of relatively minor importance. It is not necessarily unexpected or unpleasant.

7. There were several amusing incidents during the journey. In one of them Alan got off the train to buy a newspaper and nearly got left behind.
8. She told us about an incident in her childhood which had made a deep impression on her.
9. He tends to exaggerate the importance of minor incidents.

Incident is also used more specifically to denote a relatively minor hostile act, for example, a protest, an attack, a clash between small numbers of troops.

10. The Conservative candidate was shouted down in an incident at last night’s election meeting.
11. A bomb exploded in a department store in Londonderry yesterday. No one was killed but several people were injured in the incident.
12. There have been several border incidents during recent weeks.

With reference to a literary work (a story, novel or play) incident has practically the same meaning as episode, that is, a piece of action which can be considered separately.

13. The incident in the restaurant shows Brian’s character very clearly.

Incidental means “occurring as an occasional part, accompanying but not forming an essential part.”

14. That conversation was purely incidental. Everything had been decided long before.
15. He was given an extra £50 to cover incidental expenses.

Incidentally means “by the way”.

16. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the book. Incidentally, the author went to the same school as my brother.

Слово accident употребляется, когда речь идет о чем-то неожиданном, случайном и, как правило, неприятном или нежелательном.

1. Her father was killed in a car accident. – Ее отец погиб в автокатастрофе.
2. There was a serious railway accident near London yesterday. – Вчера близ Лондона произошла серьезная железнодорожная катастрофа.
3. He had an accident at work. A crate fell on him and injured his shoulder. (Such accidents are officially called industrial accidents.) – У него на работе произошел несчастный случай. На него упал ящик и повредил плечо. (Такие происшествия часто называются несчастными случаями на производстве).
– John’s left the door unlocked. – Джон оставил дверь незапертой.
– I’m sure it was an accident. – Уверен, что это было случайностью.
– I’m afraid I’ve broken a glass. – Боюсь, я разбил стакан.
– Oh, don’t worry. Accidents will happen. – О, не беспокойся. Бывают неприятные случайности.

Фраза by accident переводится как “случайно”, “случайным образом”:

6. Our luggage was sent on to Rome by accident. – Наш багаж случайно отправили в Рим.

Слово incident обозначает событие, которое не отличается особой значимостью или резонансом. Вовсе необязательно, чтобы оно было неожиданным или неприятным.

7. There were several amusing incidents during the journey. In one of them Alan got off the train to buy a newspaper and nearly got left behind. – Во время нашей поездки случились несколько забавных происшествий. В одном из них Алан сошел с поезда, чтобы купить газеты, и чуть не отстал.
8. She told us about an incident in her childhood which had made a deep impression on her. – Она рассказала нам об одном происшествии в ее детстве, которое произвело на нее глубокое впечатление.
9. He tends to exaggerate the importance of minor incidents. – Он обычно преувеличивает значимость мелкий происшествий.

Слово incident также часто может обозначать некое событие, в котором некто осуществляет протест, акт насилия, нападение и т.п.

10. The Conservative candidate was shouted down in an incident at last night’s election meeting. – На собрании избирателей, которое состоялось прошлым вечером, кандидату от консервативной партии криками не дали выступить.
11. A bomb exploded in a department store in Londonderry yesterday. No one was killed but several people were injured in the incident. – Вчера в универмаге графства Лондондерри взорвалась бoмбa. Никто не погиб, но несколько людей получили ранения в этом происшествии.
12. There have been several border incidents during recent weeks. – В течение последних недель на границе произошло несколько инцидентов.

Слово incident может употребляться в отношении литературного произведения, приближаясь к значению “эпизод”, “сцена”.

13. The incident in the restaurant shows Brian’s character very clearly. – Сцена в ресторане очень четко демонстрирует характер Брайана.

Слово incidental означает “случайный”, “несущественный”, “незначащий”.

14. That conversation was purely incidental. Everything had been decided long before. – Это разговор был ничего не значащим. Все было решено задолго до этого.
15. He was given an extra £50 to cover incidental expenses. – Ему дали дополнительные 50 фунтов для покрытия случайных расходов.

Слово incidentally является синонимом к фразе “by the way” и переводится “кстати”.

16. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the book. Incidentally, the author went to the same school as my brother. – Я уверен, что тебе понравится книга. Кстати, автор ходил в ту же школу, что и мой брат.