
Упражнение на вопросительные местоимения.

Напишите вопросы к выделенным жирным шрифтом словам:


1. I am looking at him.
2. They are talking about the weather.
3. They are painters.
4. That is my uncle’s cat.
5. That man is Mr. Brown.
6. May is the fifth month of the year.
7. The handbag is made of leather.
8. The man asked for a cup of coffee.
9. He has bought a gold pen.
10. This letter is from my mother.
11. Mathematics is the most difficult subject that I study.
12. The director’s office is on the third floor.

1. Who(m) are you looking at? (или At whom are you looking?)
I am looking at him.

2. What are they talking about? (или About what are they talking?)
They are talking about the weather.

3. What are they?
They are painters.

4. Whose cat is that?
That is my uncle’s cat.

5. Who is that man?
That man is Mr. Brown.

6. Which month of the year is May?
May is the fifth month of the year.

7. What is the handbag made of? (или Of what is the handbag made?)
The handbag is made of leather.

8. What did the man ask for? (или For what did the man ask?)
The man asked for a cup of coffee.

9. What pen has he bought?
He has bought a gold pen.

10. Who(m) is this letter from? (или From whom is this letter?)
This letter is from my mother.

11. Which is the most difficult subject that you study?
Mathematics is the most difficult subject that I study.

12. Which floor is the director’s office on? (или On which floor is the director’s office?)
The director’s office is on the third floor.