
Упражнение на предлоги английского языка.

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1. He is a wicked boy. I’m sure he did it (by/on) purpose.
2. She shouted (at/to) me that I was wanted (on/to) the phone.
3. Take a pen. You can’t sign contracts (by/in) pencil.
4. The voyage was tiring. The sea was rough and we had to be (in/at) sea more than a fortnight.
5. He lives (at/on) a farm somewhere in Texas.
6. Put your signature (on/at) the bottom of the page. Don’t write (at/in) the middle, put it (at/on) the right.
7. She made this sweater herself (at/by) hand.
8. He threw an egg (to/at) the speaker. It hit him (on/to) the shoulder.
9. The car that was going (with/at) the speed of 70 miles per hour braked (on/at) the traffic lights.
10. The participants of Greenpeace rally were standing (by/in) a line (in front of / before) the house of the mayor.
11. He was (on/at) work (before/until) 3 o’clock yesterday.
12. He was sent (in/to) prison for shoplifting (at/by) the age of seventeen.
13. (In/On) the whole, I liked our journey. But next year I’d like to go (to/on) a cruise.
14. She is not (by/on) the phone in the country. — Why won’t she buy a mobile telephone? It is so convenient. — Her salary’s decreased (on by) two hundred dollars this year and she can’t afford it.
15. (From/In) my opinion, she must go (to/on) a diet.

1. He is a wicked boy. I’m sure he did it on purpose. – Он плохой мальчик. Я уверен, что он сделал это намеренно.
2. She shouted to me that I was wanted on the phone. – Она крикнула мне, что меня требуют к телефону.
3. Take a pen. You can’t sign contracts in pencil. – Возьмите ручку. Вы не можете подписывать контракты карандашом.
4. The voyage was tiring. The sea was rough and we had to be at sea more than a fortnight. – Поездка была утомительной. Море было неспокойным, а нам пришлось пробыть на море более двух недель.
5. He lives on a farm somewhere in Texas. – Он живет на ферме где-то в Техасе.
6. Put your signature at the bottom of the page. Don’t write in the middle, put it on the right. – Поставьте подпись внизу страницы. Не пишите в середине, поставьте ее справа.
7. She made this sweater herself by hand. – Она сделал этот свитер сама вручную.
8. He threw an egg at the speaker. It hit him on the shoulder. – Он кинул яйцо в оратора. Оно ударило его в плечо.
9. The car that was going with the speed of 70 miles per hour braked at the traffic lights. – Машина, которая неслась со скоростью в 70 миль в час, затормозила на светофоре.
10. The participants of Greenpeace rally were standing in a line in front of the house of the mayor. – Участники ралли Гринписа стояли в линию перед домом мэра.
11. He was at work until 3 o’clock yesterday. – До трех часов вчера он был на работе.
12. He was sent to prison for shoplifting at the age of seventeen. – В возрасте семнадцати лет его отправили в тюрьму за кражи в магазине.
13. On the whole, I liked our journey. But next year I’d like to go on a cruise. – В общем, мне понравилась наша поездка. Но в следующем году я бы хотел поехать в круиз.
14. She is not on the phone in the country. — Why won’t she buy a mobile telephone? It is so convenient. — Her salary’s decreased by two hundred dollars this year and she can’t afford it. – У нее нет телефона в деревне. – Почему бы ей не купить мобильный телефон? Это же так удобно. – В этом году ее зарплата уменьшилась на двести долларов, и она не может позволить себе его.
15. In my opinion, she must go on a diet. – По моему мнению, ей надо сесть на диету.