Упражнение 42 на лексическое преобразование (ЕГЭ)

Упражнение на лексическое преобразование слов. Рекомендуем всем, кто готовится к сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.

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Russian Weather

Russian weather, particularly for foreigners, seems to be clouded in myths and legends. Russia is a huge country, spanning its __CLIMATE__ zones from polar arctic to subtropical and everything in between.

The capital of Russia, Moscow, has a continental climate, with great __VARY__ in temperature between winter and summer months.

In mid-summer, during July and August, temperatures are pleasantly warm, with __OCCASION__ hot spells.

Winters differ __DRASTIC__ , with only about six hours of daylight in the middle of the season and temperatures recorded at way below freezing point.

The image of Moscow weather is so dominated by the snow that __VISIT__ often underestimate the warmth of Moscow summers.

While the summer attracts the __MAJOR__ of tourists, many Moscow residents would suggest spring and early autumn as the best, time to visit Moscow.

Russian Weather

Russian weather, particularly for foreigners, seems to be clouded in myths and legends. Russia is a huge country, spanning its CLIMATIC zones from polar arctic to subtropical and everything in between.

The capital of Russia, Moscow, has a continental climate, with great VARIATION in temperature between winter and summer months.

In mid-summer, during July and August, temperatures are pleasantly warm, with OCCASIONAL hot spells.

Winters differ DRASTICALLY , with only about six hours of daylight in the middle of the season and temperatures recorded at way below freezing point.

The image of Moscow weather is so dominated by the snow that VISITORS often underestimate the warmth of Moscow summers.

While the summer attracts the MAJORITY of tourists, many Moscow residents would suggest spring and early autumn as the best, time to visit Moscow.