Диалоги на английском языке для начинающих. Диалог Just Shoot Me.

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A: People are funny.
B: They sure are.
A: Did you hear about the pilot?
B: The one that stole a small plane?
A: Yes, he stole a plane in Canada and flew into the U.S.
B: Did they catch him?
A: Yes. After two U.S. fighter jets followed him for an hour, he landed on a highway.
B: Did he crash?
A: No, he just landed the plane and walked to a restaurant.
B: Did the cops find out why he flew into the U.S.?
A: His life sucked. He was hoping a fighter jet would shoot him down.
B: Poor guy.
A: People are funny. – Люди смешные.
B: They sure are. – Конечно.
A: Did you hear about the pilot? – Ты слышал о летчике?
B: The one that stole a small plane? – О том, который угнал маленький самолет?
A: Yes, he stole a plane in Canada and flew into the U.S. – Да, он угнал самолет в Канаде и полетел в США.
B: Did they catch him? – Его поймали?
A: Yes. After two U.S. fighter jets followed him for an hour, he landed on a highway. – Позже. После того, как два реактивных истребителя США вели его в течение часа, он приземлился на шоссе.
B: Did he crash? – Он разбился?
A: No, he just landed the plane and walked to a restaurant. – Нет. Он посадил самолет и отправился в ресторан.
B: Did the cops find out why he flew into the U.S.? – Полицейские выяснили, зачем он полетел в США?
A: His life sucked. He was hoping a fighter jet would shoot him down. – Жизнь достала его. Он надеялся на то, что реактивные истребители собьют его.
B: Poor guy. – Бедняга.