Английские пословицы о помощи и советах

Пословицы на английском языке с переводом и комментарием, посвященные помощи и советах.

Advice when most needed is least heeded.
Дурака учить — решетом воду носить.
Дурака учить — что мёртвого лечить.
Неразумного учить — в бездонную кадку воду лить.

(Advice is something that foolish people won’t take; and the greater the need for advice, the less likely the foolish person is to heed it.)

Better to ask the way than go astray.
He ищут дороги, а спрашивают.
Язык до Киева доведёт.

(Some people are too proud to admit that they don’t know, and, by refusing to ask, go astray. That is to say, they do the wrong thing or become lost. Pocket your pride and ask for advice to avoid unnecessary consequences.)

Charity begins at home.
He подавай за ворота, коли свой есть сирота.
Жалуй своих, а там и чужих.
Кланяйся своим, да не забывай и наших.

(This proverb is often used as an excuse for not helping those outside the family circle. The real meaning of the proverb is if we help those nearest to us, we will help our fellow men. In other words, charity begins at home, but it does not end there.)

Don’t teach your grand-mother to suck eggs.
Курицу яйца не учат.
Учёного учить — только портить.
Голова у ног ума не просит.

(Don’t offer advice to those who are more experienced than you are. The saying is often used in the form of a retort. E.g. Be careful how you use that chisel. It’s very sharp and may slip. — You go and teach your grandmother to suck eggs.)

In a calm sea every man is a pilot.
Чужую беду руками разведу, к своей и ума не приложу.
По чужим ранам да чужим салом мазать не убыточно.
Кричит смело, как не пришло до него дело.

(We are all ready to offer advice when there is no risk attached.)

It is easy to bear the misfortunes of others.
Чужое горе оханьем пройдёт.
Чужая слеза — вола.
Кому не больно, тому и не тошно.
Чужая беда за сахар.

(It is easy for us to tell others to be cheerful in the face of misfortune, because we do not have to suffer the hardship ourselves. It perhaps suggests too that we all secretly find satisfaction in other people’s misfortunes because we feel pleased to have avoided them ourselves.)

It is too late to lock the stable when the horse has been stolen.
После дела за советом не ходят.
Задним умом дела не поправишь.
Кабы мне тот разум наперёд, что приходит опосля.
Задним умом не ходят вперёд.

(It is useless to take precautions after something has happened that could have been foreseen and guarded against.)

A little help is worth а deal of pity.
Все доброхоты, а в нужде помочь нет охоты.

(It is better to help persons who are in trouble than to say how sorry you are for them.)

Paddle your own canoe.
На ветер надеяться — без помолу быть.

(Do it yourself. Don’t always expect others to help you. Be self-reliant.)

A word is enough to the wise.
Умный (мудрый) слышит вполслова (вполголоса).

(An intelligent person can readily take a hint. Whoever is speaking to him knows that he does not need a long explanation.)