ОГЭ по английскому: упражнение 46 на лексику

Упражнение 46 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

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In my family we don’t worry about fitness.

I suppose you could say I’m rather __HEALTHY__.

I only eat junk food and I never do any exercise.

I’m not very energetic and I’m completely __USE__ at sports.

My sisters are the same when it comes to leading active lives. None of them has played any kind of Sport since __CHILD__.

What they lack in sporting __ABLE__, they make up for in intelligence. They are the cleverest people I know.

One of them works as a research __SCIENCE__ and the other designs electronic equipment like mobile phones.

They have both done __EXTREME__ well in what are very competitive professions.

In my family we don’t worry about fitness.

I suppose you could say I’m rather UNHEALTHY.

I only eat junk food and I never do any exercise.

I’m not very energetic and I’m completely USELESS at sports.

My sisters are the same when it comes to leading active lives. None of them has played any kind of Sport since CHILDHOOD.

What they lack in sporting ABILITY, they make up for in intelligence. They are the cleverest people I know.

One of them works as a research SCIENTIST and the other designs electronic equipment like mobile phones.

They have both done EXTREMELY well in what are very competitive professions.