Аудирование в формате ЕГЭ – Вариант 2

Предлагаем попробовать свои силы и выполнить полное аудирование в формате ЕГЭ. Ответы и полные тексты к аудио даны в спойлерах. Здесь представлен вариант 2.

Задание 1

Вы услышите 6 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего А-F и утверждениями, данными в списке 1-7. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей цифрой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Play Задание 1

1. It’s good to have a part-time job when you’re a university student.
2. Problems with time-keeping are not always the student’s fault.
3. University students have lots of new expenses to cope with.
4. Learning to do chores is part of university life.
5. Asking your parents for money while at university can be difficult.
6. Your class schedule can vary significantly at university.
7. Managing your freedom is a responsibility you learn at university.


A – 4
B – 7
C – 1
D – 6
E – 3
F – 2

Speaker A: I wasn’t a lazy kid at all. I studied hard and got good marks in my exams. I never missed football practice and participated in extra-curricular activities. But now that I’m at university, there’s one thing I realise I never learnt how to do – wash my clothes! Now that Mums not here to do it, I’ve had to sort of work it out on my own. Needless to say, a few of my white T-shirts now look pink!

Speaker B: At university, no one’s around to tell you that you need to stay at home and study That’s something you have to learn to do yourself. There’s lots of temptation to go out and say to yourself, “I’ll study” later. But take it from me, that’s a bad mistake to make. You’ve got to stay on top of your priorities. It’s just as important to put your free time into a specific schedule as it is your study time.

Speaker С: I never seem to have enough money as a university student. My parents send me a few pounds here and there, but I’ve largely been left to fend for myself Luckily, I’ve been able to manage my studying and take on a few hours at a local cafe. It’s a good way to make some extra cash, and it keeps me from going out too much, which is how I would spend most of my money anyway!

Speaker D: As a high school student, life was fairly simple. I can say that now, looking back on it! You went to school at 9 am, left at around 4 pm, and that was the end of it. Now, at the beginning of every term at university, I have to sort through a list of classes that occur at all different times of the day. On the one hand, it’s very flexible, but it makes sticking to a routine a bit more difficult.

Speaker E: Money can be a real problem for university students. That’s certainly no big secret! You’ve got to pay for expensive books for every subject. And what about your meals? Mum and Dad aren’t there to pick up the tab. And if you have your own flat, there will be rent and all sorts of bills. I live in a hall of residence, so having my own place is another year away for me yet. I’d better start saving up!

Speaker F: I’m lucky that I have all of my lectures in the afternoon. It means I’ve got the mornings to do my studying and my chores. But sometimes it’s a bit difficult to get from one class to another. My last two Friday lectures are at opposite ends of the university. I’ve only got 10 minutes to get from one to the other, so you I’ll see me running down the street on occasion! I’m often late, but I can’t help it!

Задание 2

Вы услышите диалог. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений A-G соответствуют содержанию текста (1 – True), какие не соответствуют (2 – False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 – Not stated).

Play Задание 2

A) Amy is on her way to do some studying.
B) Amy had to knock on her brother’s door more than once.
C) Amy’s brother refused to turn down his music when she asked him to.
D) Amy didn’t like the kind of music her brother was playing.
E) Amy’s mum is always home when Amy gets home from school.
F) Amy’s parents don’t do anything to help the situation.
G) There’s only one bathroom in George’s home.


A – 2
B – 1
C – 2
D – 3
E – 2
F – 2
G – 2

George: Amy, what’s the matter? You look very upset. Is everything OK?

Amy: Hi, George. No, everything’s not OK. I’ve just had a horrible argument with my brother. I should be studying right now, but I decided I’d go for a walk and let off some steam.

George: Oh, dear! What happened? Do you want to talk about it?

Amy: Well, I was trying to do my maths homework when Jeff decided it was time to play some really loud music. I went to his room to tell him to turn it down, and he ignored me when I knocked on his door.

George: Oh, how rude! What did you do?

Amy: I banged on the door again, really loudly this time. I thought I was going to punch a hole in the door! He finally answered, so I calmly requested for him to lower the volume.

George: And did he?

Amy: Yes, he did. Very nice of him, wasn’t it? So, I went back to my bedroom, but two minutes later, the volume returned. It’s so unfair, he always does things like this when Mum and Dad aren’t home, and he does it to annoy me.

George: Are your parents out a lot? My parents hardly ever leave home it seems.

Amy: My dad works late, so we don I see him until supper. Usually when I get home from school, my mum’s home, but occasionally she’s out late too. Really, my brother and I don’t fight that often, but it tends to happen when he knows he can get away with it.

George: Do you tell your parents about it when he does things like that?

Amy: Every single time! They warn him not to do it anymore, but he doesn’t really get punished. Usually he’s just told to be nice to me, and he says he’s sorry, but I know he doesn’t mean it!

George: My sister and I fight over the bathroom. Well, it’s because she spends so much time in there getting ready every morning, or when she wants to go out. I end up having to use my parents’ bathroom sometimes. I wish I had my own!
Amy: It sounds like we’ve both got difficult siblings! Well, I’m going to continue my walk. Thanks for listening to my complaints!

George: Good luck with your brother!

Задание 3

Вы услышите интервью. В заданиях выберите правильный вариант ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

Play Задание 3

Rhonda says with a raw food diet,…
1) food must remain completely cold.
2) chicken can’t be included.
3) the concepts are difficult to understand.

What was Rhonda’s diet routine like before she switched to a raw food diet?
1) Very similar to now.
2) Extremely unhealthy.
3) Much more traditional.

Including beans in a raw food diet…
1) requires certain preparation.
2) is impossible.
3) is not advisable.

What difficulty does Rhonda mention with preparing raw foods?
1) The length of time required.
2) The lack of recipe choice.
3) The difficulty in obtaining good flavour.

Rhonda says freezing foods …
1) changes the nutritional value.
2) ruins the food.
3) is a necessary step.

What is true about Rhonda as a result of her raw food diet?
1) She feels better mentally.
2) She regrets her decision.
3) She feels more active.

Rhonda thinks it’s terrible that …
1) so few people follow a raw food diet.
2) it’s so difficult to follow a raw food diet.
3) some people eat only cooked foods.


1 – 2
2 – 3
3 – 1
4 – 1
5 – 1
6 – 3
7 – 3

Presenter: Hi everyone and welcome to our programme, Healthy Living. With us today is Rhonda McShane, a nutritionist and healthy living adviser. Rhonda, thanks for joining us.

Speaker: I’m happy to be here.

Presenter: To begin with, I’d like to talk about the dieting phenomenon known as a raw food diet, which you follow yourself Can you tell me about that?

Speaker: Certainly. A raw food diet is fairly self- explanatory; basically, you don’t cook anything you eat. This of course means there are certain things you really can’t eat, such as chicken. But the main idea is that no food is heated above 40 degrees Celsius.

Presenter: I see. And how long have you been following this diet?

Speaker: I started a couple of years ago, and I really enjoy it now» although it was quite challenging in the beginning. I was so used to cooking my food, you know, normal things like sautéing veggies in oil, baking casseroles in the oven, and boiling rice and pasta. You can’t do any of those things on a raw food diet. It’s quite a lifestyle adjustment.

Presenter: I’m sure it’s not just eating raw fruit and vegetables, is it?

Speaker: No, it’s not. Actually, I’m not a vegetarian, as I do eat sushi. I also consume dairy products such as milk and eggs, and I eat grains, some beans, nuts and seeds. Now, I know what you’re thinking – raw beans, aren’t they poisonous? Well, yes, the actual bean often is, but we do a process called ‘sprouting’, where we soak the beans and let them start to grow. The new growth is safe and nutritious to eat.

Presenter: Honestly, I would think your options are really limited. Do you prepare a lot of different recipes?

Speaker: Yes. Actually, there are many cookbooks on the market with a variety of raw food recipes. It takes a bit of preparation to make certain things, sometimes half a day. For example, I have a recipe for vegetarian burgers. I make the burgers, then instead of cooking them, I put them in a dehydrator for a few hours, which dries them out. It works on a very low heat, so it doesn’t cook them. Believe it or not, they turn out like real veggie burgers, and are very tasty.

Presenter: What other devices do you use?

Speaker: Anything that doesn’t actually cook the food. You can use blenders and juicers, and you can store food in the fridge, of course. You can even freeze meals, although that tends to lower the nutritional value, and nutrition is one of the reasons I’ve chosen this diet.

Presenter: I was just about to ask … why would someone choose a raw food diet?

Speaker: Well, foods lose a lot of their goodness when you cook them, so I’ve chosen this diet because I think it’s the healthiest way of eating. I can say that I have more energy and am in better shape than I used to be. I admit, though, a raw food diet isn’t for everyone.

Presenter: So what do you recommend people do with their diets?

Speaker: Well, there are some people who never eat raw foods. That means no fresh fruit or vegetables at all. That’s terrible! I urge people to include as much raw food as they can into their diet. People should eat plenty of raw foods every single day. Go ahead and cook your burgers, just don’t forget the fresh lettuce and tomato!