ОГЭ по английскому: диалоги Диалоги с готовыми образцами ответов для успешной сдачи ОГЭ по английскому языку. How teenagers feel about their school What teenagers think about the modern film industry Teenagers reading habits What teenagers think about shopping and shopping centres How teenagers prefer to spend their free time How teenagers spend their holidays If teenagers are worried about ecological problems Teenagers’ attitude to school events Teenagers’ attitude to sport Teenagers’ daily routines How people feel about using their mobile phones How people feel about using the Internet and spending time online Teenager’s attitude to English language learning Teenager’s attitude to TV and our TV programmes People’s attitude to their city What you think about learning foreign languages School students’ daily routines What you think about your school How people feel about doing sports in our region How people feel about watching TV in our region How people feel about taking up hobbies in your region> How people feel about music> How people feel about theatre> How people feel about shopping>