
Упражнение на предлоги in, on.

Вставьте предлоги in, on.


1. The sun was shining ___ the afternoon, and ___ the evening it started raining.
2. What are you going to do ___ Sunday?
3. There are so many things to do ___ Sunday afternoon.
4. Our manager keeps on asking us to work ___ our days off.
5. We were going to play golf ___ Friday, but it was raining ___ that day and we decided not to go.
6. Do you often go skiing ___ winter?
7. We’d like to go to the countryside ___ July.
8. I hope to enter the university ___ 2018.
9. What does being a ‘lady’ ___ the 21st century actually mean?
10. The computer mouse was invented ___ the 1960s.
11. ___ Saint Valentine’s Day, love is swinging in the air.
12. ___ April Fool’s Day, people usually joke and lie to shock others.

1. The sun was shining in the afternoon, and in the evening it started raining. — Днем светило солнце, а вечером пошел дождь.

2. What are you going to do on Sunday? — Что ты собираешься делать в воскресенье?

3. There are so many things to do on Sunday afternoon. — Можно так много сделать в воскресенье днем.

4. Our manager keeps on asking us to work on our days off. — Наш управляющий продолжает просить нас работать в наши выходные.

5. We were going to play golf on Friday, but it was raining on that day and we decided not to go. — Мы собирались поиграть в гольф в среду, но в тот день шел дождь, и мы передумали.

6. Do you often go skiing in winter? — Ты часто катаешься на лыжах зимой?

7. We’d like to go to the countryside in July. — Мы бы хотели поехать за город в июле.

8. I hope to enter the university in 2018. — Я надеюсь поступить в университет в 2018 году.

9. What does being a ‘lady’ in the 21st century actually mean? — Что на самом деле означает в 21-м веке быть «женщиной»?

10. The computer mouse was invented in the 1960s. — Компьютерная мышь была изобретена в 60-х годах прошлого века.

11. On Saint Valentine’s Day, love is swinging in the air. — В День Святого Валентина любовь витает в воздухе.

12. On April Fool’s Day, people usually joke and lie to shock others. — В День Дурака люди обычно подшучивают друг на другом.