Spotlight 11, Workbook, 6d

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 11 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 6d.


Exercise 1. Underline the correct verb.
Упражнение 1. Определить правильное слово.


1) Bob whined / shook the snow off his coat before entering the office building.
2) In the dark, the burglar seized / stumbled over a table before turning on his torch.
3) The dog jumped up and wagged / licked Alice’s face.
4) David got on his horse and started trotting / growling across the field.
5) The officer screamed / commanded his men to shoot.
6) Spot often pants / barks from exhaustion after running in the park.

1) Bob shook the snow off his coat before entering the office building. – Боб стряхнул снег с пальто, перед тем как войти в офисное здание.
2) In the dark, the burglar stumbled over a table before turning on his torch. – В темноте грабитель споткнулся о стол, перед тем включил фонарик.
3) The dog jumped up and licked Alice’s face. – Собака подпрыгнула и лизнула Алису в лицо.
4) David got on his horse and started trotting across the field. – Дэвид сел на лошадь и погнал рысью по полю.
5) The officer screamed his men to shoot. – Офицер крикнул своим солдатам, чтобы те стреляли.
6) Spot often pants from exhaustion after running in the park. – Спот часто тяжело дышит от изнурительного бега в парке.

Exercise 2. Circle the correct item.
Упражнение 2. Определить правильное слово.


1) In the pond, the __ frog jumped from one lily pad to another.
a. roaring
b. croaking

2) The black snake __ as I pushed it away with a long stick.
a. baaed
b. hissed

3) The ducks started __ when we threw them some bread.
a. quacking
b. neighing

4) Suddenly, he heard the sound of a cow __ .
a. meowing
b. mooing

5) All through the night, the wolves __ at the full moon.
a. howled
b. roared

6) The cat __ as Sarah poured some milk into a bowl.
a. meowed
b. oinked

7) We could hear the tigers __ in their cages at the other end of the zoo.
a. baaing
b. roaring

8) The horse __ as I approached the field.
a. howled
b. neighed

1) In the pond, the croaking frog jumped from one lily pad to another. – В пруду квакающая лягушка прыгала с одной кувшинки на другую.
2) The black snake hissed as I pushed it away with a long stick. – Черная змея зашипела, когда я отодвинул ее при помощи длинной палки.
3) The ducks started quacking when we threw them some bread. – Утки начали крякать, когда мы кинули им хлеба.
4) Suddenly, he heard the sound of a cow mooing. – Внезапно я услышал, как мычит корова.
5) All through the night, the wolves howled at the full moon. – Всю ночь волки выли на луну.
6) The cat meowed as Sarah poured some milk into a bowl. – Кошка замяукала, когда Сара налила им молоко в миску.
7) We could hear the tigers roaring in their cages at the other end of the zoo. – Мы могли слышать, как тигры рычат в своих клетках на другом конце зоопарка.
8) The horse neighed as I approached the field. – Лошадь заржала, когда я приблизился к полю.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the following words.
Упражнение 3. Вставить данные слова.


• whining • twitches • sharp • remainder • comforted • drags on • attention • breed

1) ‘For the __ of the lesson, I expect you all to be quiet!” the teacher said.
2) Kevin’s mother __ him as he sobbed in her arms.
3) Whenever Ian is nervous his eye __ .
4) The demanding coach gave his players __ commands throughout the game.
5) Her pet dog always __ the broom when she tries to sweep.
6) Jessica paid close __ to the lecture.
7) Mary’s favourite __ of cat is the Siamese.
8) He could hear the puppies __ behind the door.

1) ‘For the remainder of the lesson, I expect you all to be quiet!” the teacher said. – “Я ожидаю от вас тихого поведения до конца урока”, – сказал учитель.
2) Kevin’s mother comforted him as he sobbed in her arms. – Мама Кевина успокаивала его, когда он рыдал у нее на руках.
3) Whenever Ian is nervous his eye twitches. – Когда Йан нервничает, его глаз подергивается.
4) The demanding coach gave his players sharp commands throughout the game. – Требовательный тренер давал своим игрокам резкие команды на протяжении игры.
5) Her pet dog always drags on the broom when she tries to sweep. – Ее домашний питомец всегда волочится за метлой, когда она пытается подметать.
6) Jessica paid close attention to the lecture. – Джессика уделила большое внимание лекции.
7) Mary’s favourite breed of cat is the Siamese. – Любимая порода Мэри – сиамская.
8) He could hear the puppies whining behind the door. – Он мог слышать, как за дверью скулил щенок.

Exercise 4. Fill in: out, down, in, with.
Упражнение 4. Вставить out, down, in, with.


1) They waited several hours __ vain.
2) The kitten sprang __ of the box as soon as it was opened.
3) When Linda saw a spider on her pillow she started screaming __ fright.
4) The doctor asked the patient to lie __ on the examination table.
5) The residents ran __ the steps to escape the burning building.

1) They waited several hours in vain. – Она напрасно прождали несколько часов.
2) The kitten sprang out of the box as soon as it was opened. – Котенок выпрыгнул из коробки, как только ее открыли.
3) When Linda saw a spider on her pillow she started screaming with fright. – Когда Линда увидела паука на подушке, она начала визжать от страха.
4) The doctor asked the patient to lie down on the examination table. – Врач попросил пациента лечь на диагностический стол.
5) The residents ran down the steps to escape the burning building. – Жители бежали вниз по ступенькам, чтобы выбежать из горящего здания.

Exercise 5. Fill in: gently, seriously, apprehensively, fiercely, unexpectedly, decisively.
Упражнение 5. Вставить gently, seriously, apprehensively, fiercely, unexpectedly, decisively.


1) “Mum, Dad, I’ve made up my mind to go!” Rick said __ .
2) The dog growled __ at the tresspasser before attacking him.
3) “I’m not sure we should enter,” Brian said __ .
4) She __ put the sleeping baby in its cot.
5) Ben could tell by the sounds the animal was making that it was __ injured.
6) The ice __ gave way and the fishermen fell into the water.

1) “Mum, Dad, I’ve made up my mind to go!” Rick said decisively. – “Мама, папа, я решил пойти!”, – решительно сказал Рик.
2) The dog growled fiercely at the tresspasser before attacking him. – Собака свирепо зарычала на нарушителя территории, прежде чем броситься на него.
3) “I’m not sure we should enter,” Brian said apprehensively. – “Я не уверен, что нам следует заходить”, – опасливо сказал Брайан.
4) She gently put the sleeping baby in its cot. – Он а нежно уложила спящего ребенка в его кроватку.
5) Ben could tell by the sounds the animal was making that it was seriously injured. – По звукам животного, которые тот издавал, Бен смог понять (досл.: сказать), что животное было ранено.
6) The ice unexpectedly gave way and the fishermen fell into the water. – Лед не выдержал, и рыбаки провалились в воду.