Spotlight 11, Workbook, 1c

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 11 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 1c.


Exercise 1. Underline the correct tense.
Упражнение 1. Определить лишнее слово.


1) This jacket belongs/is belonging to Catherine.
2) I am knowing/have known Edward since he was a child.
3) Steven reads/is reading a few pages of his book before bedtime every night.
4) I’m not visiting/haven’t visited my grandparents this week, so I’ll visit them next week.
5) The basketball game starts/has started at 7:00 pm.
6) Nia cleans/is cleaning her bedroom right now.
7) I’m listening/’ve been listening to the radio all morning for the competition results.
8) Jimmy and Penny own/have owned this house for sixteen years.
9) ‘Hurricane Carla is becoming/becomes stronger, so please stay indoors and close all windows!’
10) I’m waiting/have been waiting here for two hours! Where have you been?
11) Teri is loving/loves Italian food.
12) I am needing/need to talk to Darren.

1) This jacket belongs to Catherine.
2) I have known Edward since he was a child.
3) Steven reads a few pages of his book before bedtime every night.
4) I haven’t visited my grandparents this week, so I’ll visit them next week.
5) The basketball game starts at 7:00 pm.
6) Nia is cleaning her bedroom right now.
7) I’ve been listening to the radio all morning for the competition results.
8) Jimmy and Penny have owned this house for sixteen years.
9) ‘Hurricane Carla is becoming stronger, so please stay indoors and close all windows!’
10) I have been waiting here for two hours! Where have you been?
11) Teri loves Italian food.
12) I need to talk to Darren.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct time expression from below.
Упражнение 2. Вставьте правильное предложение.


recently | tonight | always | how long | at the moment | yet | for | before | every summer | every morning

1) I go jogging __ .
2) Have you seen any good films __ ?
3) Tom is walking the dog __ but I’ll tell him you rang.
4) Let’s go to Rome this summer. We’ve never been there __ .
5) Lily hasn’t been skiing __ three years.
6) __ I travel to Italy with my mum and dad.
7) Josh is going to the cinema __ .
8) Have you eaten your breakfast __ ?
9) __ have you been studying English?

1) I go jogging every morning. – Я делаю пробежку каждое утро.

2) Have you seen any good films recently? – Ты видел в последнее время какие-нибудь хорошие фильмы?

3) Tom is walking the dog at the moment but I’ll tell him you rang. – В настоящий момент Том выгуливает собаку, но я скажу ему, что ты звонил.

4) Let’s go to Rome this summer. We’ve never been there before. – Давай этим летом поедем в Рим. Мы никогда там раньше не были.

5) Lily hasn’t been skiing for three years. – Уже три года Лили не каталась на лыжах.

6) Every summer I travel to Italy with my mum and dad. – Каждое лето я езжу в Италию с моей мамой и папой.

7) Josh is going to the cinema tonight. – Джош собирается пойти в кино сегодня вечером.

8) Have you eaten your breakfast yet? – Вы уже съели свой завтрак?

9) How long have you been studying English? – Как долго вы изучаете английский?

10) My brother is always wearing my clothes without asking. He’s such a pain. – Мой брат всегда берет мою одежду без спроса. Он меня бесит (дословно: Он является такой болью).

Exercise 3. Choose the correct item А, В, С or D.
Упражнение 3. Определите правильный вариант.


1) I’m going on holiday to Majorca. This time next week, I __ in the sun.
A. will be lying
В. am lying
С. will lie
D. will have been lying

2) Mind the low ceiling! You __ your head!
A. are hitting
В. will hit
С. are going to hit
D. will be hitting

3) I’m sure Jim __ the job.
A. is going to get
В. is getting
С. gets
D. will get

4) By autumn, I __ at university for two years.
A. will study
В. will have been studying
С. am going to study
D. will be studying

5) I __ the report until 5 o’clock.
A. am finishing
В. will be finishing
С. won’t have finished
D. will finish

6) __ to the party tonight? If so, could you give me a lift?
A. Will you be driving
В. Have you been driving
С. Have you driven
D. Will you have been driving

1) I’m going on holiday to Majorca. This time next week, I will be lying in the sun. – Я еду на отдых на Майорку. В это время на следующей недели я буду загорать (дословно: лежать на солнце).

2) Mind the low ceiling! You are going to hit your head! – Осторожно, низкий потолок! Ты ударишься головой!

3) I’m sure Jim will get the job. – Я уверен, что Джим получит работу.

4) By autumn, I will have been studying at university for two years. – К осени я уже проучусь в университете два года.

5) I won’t have finished the report until 5 o’clock. – Я не завершу доклад к 5 часам.

6) Will you be driving to the party tonight? If so, could you give me a lift? – Ты сегодня поедешь на вечеринку? Если да, то мог бы ты меня подвезти?

Exercise 4. Complete each sentence with two to four words, including the word(s) in bold.
Упражнение 4. Добавьте в предложения от двух до четырех слов, включая выделенные слова.


1) The mayor will open the new health centre on Thursday.
is The mayor __ the new health centre on Thursday.

2) The tour bus will arrive at 10:00 am.
due The tour bus __ at 10:00 am.

3) His parents wiU be disappointed when they hear he’s moving out.
bound His parents __ disappointed when they hear he’s moving out.

4) We should board! The train is going to leave the station.
about We should board! The train __ the station.

5) Julie will certainly come with us.
sure Julie __ with us.

6) The company Henry works for will soon close down.
on the point The company Henry works for ___ of closing down.

1) The mayor will open the new health centre on Thursday.
The mayor is to open the new health centre on Thursday. – В четверг мэр собирается открыть новый центр здоровья.

2) The tour bus will arrive at 10:00 am.
The tour bus is due to arrive at 10:00 am. – Туристический автобус должен прибыть в 10 утра.

3) His parents wiU be disappointed when they hear he’s moving out.
His parents are bound to be disappointed when they hear he’s moving out. – Его родителям пришлось разочароваться, когда услышали, что он выезжает.

4) We should board! The train is going to leave the station.
We should board! The train is about to leave the station. – Нам надо садиться в поезд! Поезд отправляется со станции.

5) Julie will certainly come with us.
Julie is sure to come with us. – Жули обязательно придет с нами.

6) The company Henry works for will soon close down.
The company Henry works for is on the point of closing down. – Компания, в которой работает Генри, собирается закрыться.

Exercise 5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.
Упражнение 5. Поставьте глаголы из скобок в правильную форму прошедшего времени.


1) Where (be) you? I (try) to get in touch with you all day yesterday.

2) By the time Jenny (get) to the theatre, the play (already/start).

3) Frank (drive) to work when, all of a sudden, a tree branch (come) crashing down on the road.

4) Before his accident, Peter (ski) for 5 years.

5) Yesterday, I (walk) home from work when it (start) to rain.

6) Ben (win) the race, so he felt thrilled.

7) Kyle (work) in that restaurant for six years before he (quit).

8) While I (prepare) dinner, the phone (ring).

1) Where were you? I was trying to get in touch with you all day yesterday. – Ты где был? Я пытался связаться с тобой весь день вчера.

2) By the time Jenny got to the theatre, the play had already started. – К тому времени, как Дженни добралась до театра, спектакль уже начался.

3) Frank was driving to work when, all of a sudden, a tree branch came crashing down on the road. – Френк ехал на работу, когда внезапно на дорогу упала ветка от дерева.

4) Before his accident, Peter had been skiing for 5 years. – До несчастного случая Питер катался на лыжах в течение пяти лет.

5) Yesterday, I was walking home from work when it started to rain. – Вчера я шел с работы домой, когда начался дождь.

6) Ben had won the race, so he felt thrilled. – Бен выиграл гонку, поэтому он чувствовал себя восторженно.

7) Kyle had been working in that restaurant for six years before he quit. – Кайл проработал в этом ресторане шесть лет, перед тем как уволился.

8) While I was preparing dinner, the phone rang. – Пока я готовил обед, зазвонил телефон.

Exercise 6. Choose the correct answer.
Упражнение 6. Определить правильный ответ.


“Do you remember Jane?”
“Yes. She __ to go to primary school with us.”

A. is used
В. used
С. was used

“Was it difficult for you to live on your own?”
“It was at first, but I soon __ to it.”

A. get used
В. be used
С. got used

“You look so tired today.”
“Well, I __ to staying up late at night.”

A. am not used
В. am used
С. get used

“Wasn’t your grandfather a businessman?”
“Yes. Before he retired, he __ to run his own company.”

A. used
В. would
С. was used

“Alex’s parents were shocked when they saw his report card.”
“Of course. They __ to seeing such low grades.”

A. aren’t used
В. are used
С. got used

“Remember how much we loved that tree house?”
“Yes. We __ play in it all day long.”

A. were used to
В. would
С. got used to

“Do you remember Jane?” – Ты помнишь Джейн?
“Yes. She used to go to primary school with us.” – Да. Раньше она ходила с нами в начальную школу.

“Was it difficult for you to live on your own?” – Для тебя было тяжело жить самостоятельно?
“It was at first, but I soon got used to it.” – Вначале да, но потом я привык к этому.

“You look so tired today.” – Сегодня ты выглядишь уставшим.
“Well, I am not used to staying up late at night.” – Ну, я не привык поздно ложиться спать.

“Wasn’t your grandfather a businessman?” – Разве твой отец не был бизнесменом?
“Yes. Before he retired, he used to run his own company.” – Был. Перед уходом на пенсию он управлял собственной компанией.

“Alex’s parents were shocked when they saw his report card.” – Родители Алекса были шокированы когда они увидели его табель успеваемости.
“Of course. They aren’t used to seeing such low grades.” – Конечно. Они не привыкли видеть такие низкие оценки.

“Remember how much we loved that tree house?” – Помнишь, как нам нравился тот шалаш на дереве?
“Yes. We would play in it all day long.” – Да. МЫ играле в нем весь день.

Exercise 7. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use two to five words including the word in bold.
Упражнение 7. Дополните второе предложение так, чтобы оно значило то же самое, что и первое предложение. Испoльзуйте от двух до пяти слов, включая выделенное.


1) I’ve never seen such an exciting film.
ever It’s the most __ seen.

2) How long has it been since we last saw each other?
last When was __ each other?

3) He’s never broken a promise before.
time It’s the __ a promise.

4) Mary will get a pay rise.
sure Mary __ a pay rise.

5) When he was younger, he used to go to the gym every morning.
would When he was younger, __ to the gym every morning.

6) Jenny started studying economics two years ago.
been Jenny __ economics for two years.

1) I’ve never seen such an exciting film.
It’s the most exciting film I’ve ever seen. – Это самый интересный фильм, который я когда-либо видел.

2) How long has it been since we last saw each other?
When was the last time we saw each other? – Когда мы в последний раз видели друг друга?

3) He’s never broken a promise before.
It’s the first time he’s broken a promise. – Это первый раз, когда он нарушил обещание.

4) Mary will get a pay rise.
Mary is sure to get a pay rise. – Мэри обязательно получит повышение зарплаты.

5) When he was younger, he used to go to the gym every morning.
When he was younger, he would go to the gym every morning. – Когда он был моложе, то обычно каждое утро ходил в спортзал.

6) Jenny started studying economics two years ago.
Jenny has been studying economics for two years. – Дженни изучает экономику в течение двух лет.

Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with the following prepositions.
Упражнение 8. Вставьте правильный предлог.


about | to | of | for

1) Margaret feels very close __ her sister-in-law.
2) Aren’t you ashamed __ treating her that way?
3) Frank has a great deal of respect __ his teachers.
4) William is very attached __ his friends at school.
5) Couples often argue __ money.

1) Margaret feels very close to her sister-in-law. – Маргарет чувствует себя близкой по духу своей невестке.

2) Aren’t you ashamed of treating her that way? – Тебе не стыдно обращаться с ней таким образом?

3) Frank has a great deal of respect for his teachers. – Френк испытывает большое уважение к его учителям.

4) William is very attached to his friends at school. – Уильям очень привязан к его друзьям в школе.

5) Couples often argue about money. – Пары часто ссорятся по поводу денег.

Exercise 9. Fill in: across, into, over, up with, down with.
Упражнение 9. Вставить: across, into, over, up with, down with.


1) Dan came __ some great ideas for his grandparents’ anniversary celebration.
2) The workers came __ some ancient ruins while digging at the construction site.
3) We would like to come __ tonight if that’s alright with you.
4) My body aches and I feel hot. I think I’m coming __ the flu.
5) She came __ a lot of money when her uncle died.

1) Dan came up with some great ideas for his grandparents’ anniversary celebration. – Дэн подал несколько замечательных идей по поводу празднования юбилея бабушки и дедушки.

2) The workers came across some ancient ruins while digging at the construction site. – Рабочие наткнулись на некоторые древние руины во время раскопок места строительства.

3) We would like to come over tonight if that’s alright with you. – Если тебе удобно, то мы хотели бы зайти сегодня вечером.

4) My body aches and I feel hot. I think I’m coming down with the flu. – У меня тело болит, и я чувствую жар. Я думаю, что заболеваю гриппом.

5) She came into a lot of money when her uncle died. – Когда ее дядя умер, то она получила в наследство много денег.