Spotlight 11, Word Perfect 8

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 11 из раздела Word Perfect, Module 8.


Exercise 1. Underline the correct item.
Упражнение 1. Определить правильное слово.


1) The hotel was located in a remote/inhabited area of the city. It took us about forty-five minutes to get to the closest restaurant.
2) The ruins that were found in the archeological sites of Santorini are well familiar/preserved.
3) The ancient Greeks gave properties/offerings to the twelve Gods of Olympus.
4) The vase they bought us for our wedding anniversary is quite unique/worshipped.
5) We hired a moving company to transport/disappear our belongings to our new home.
6) The invaders/monks took over the city just as the night had fallen.
7) We had to wait in the departure/arrival lounge for two hours before boarding the plane.
8) I met my husband at the baggage gate/reclaim area at Heathrow Airport.

1) The hotel was located in a remote area of the city. It took us about forty-five minutes to get to the closest restaurant. – Ресторан находился в удаленной области города. У нас ушло сорок пять минут, чтобы добраться до ближайшего ресторана.

2) The ruins that were found in the archeological sites of Santorini are well preserved. – Руины, которые были найдены на раскопках Санторини, хорошо сохранились.

3) The ancient Greeks gave offerings to the twelve Gods of Olympus. – Древние греки делали жертвоприношения двенадцати богам Олимпа.

4) The vase they bought us for our wedding anniversary is quite unique. – Ваза, которую они купили нам на юбилей нашей свадьбы, весьма уникальна.

5) We hired a moving company to transport our belongings to our new home. – Мы наняли компанию-перевозчика, чтобы перевести наши вещи в наш новый дом.

6) The invaders took over the city just as the night had fallen. – Захватчики захватили город сразу с наступлением ночи.

7) We had to wait in the departure lounge for two hours before boarding the plane. – В зале ожидания нам два часа пришлось ждать посадки на самолет.

8) I met my husband at the baggage reclaim area at Heathrow Airport. – Я встретила моего мужа у пункта выдачи багажа в аэропорту Хитроу.

Exercise 2. Use the words in the list to complete the sentences.
Упражнение 2. Вставить слова.


• stream • hot springs • mountain range • waterfall • swamp • cave

1) The little bear cubs rushed into the __ when they heard the gunshot.
2) Although we got soaking wet, we managed to take some beautiful pictures by the __ .
3) There was a small __ running along our garden.
4) __ can be found all over the world and are known to be therapeutic.
5) The world’s longest __ is the Andes and is located between Chile and Argentina.
6) We were able to see some crocodiles in the __ .

1) The little bear cubs rushed into the cave when they heard the gunshot. – Маленькие медвежата поспешили к пещере, когда услышали выстрел.

2) Although we got soaking wet, we managed to take some beautiful pictures by the waterfall. – Хотя мы были насквозь промокшими, нам удалось сделать красивые фотографии водопада.

3) There was a small stream running along our garden. – Вдоль нашего сада бежал небольшой ручей.

4) Hot springs can be found all over the world and are known to be therapeutic. – Горячие источники можно найти по всему миру, и они считаются лечебными.

5) The world’s longest mountain range is the Andes and is located between Chile and Argentina. – Самая длинная горная цепь в мире – это Анды, и они находятся между Чили и Аргентиной.

6) We were able to see some crocodiles in the swamp. – Мы смогли увидеть крокодилов в болоте.

Exercise 3. Use the words in the list to complete the exchanges.
Упражнение 3. Вставить слова.


• mystery • archaeological • predict • forecast • carved

A: When I visit a new country, I love going to all the __ sites.
B: Really? I prefer to spend my time getting to know the culture of the locals.

A: What ever happened to Mr Stevens?
В: I have no idea. His disappearance is a __ .

A: Did you hear the weather __ ?
B: Yes, it’s going to be mostly cloudy with a few showers tomorrow.

A: How did the ancient Greeks __ the future?
B: They consulted the oracle of Apollo at Delphi.

A: This statue has been __ with such detail that it almost looks real.
B: It’s gorgeous, isn’t it?

A: When I visit a new country, I love going to all the archaeological sites. – Когда я посещаю новую страну, я люблю ходить по всем местам археологических раскопок.
B: Really? I prefer to spend my time getting to know the culture of the locals. – Правда? Я предпочитаю проводить время, знакомясь с культурой местных жителей.

A: What ever happened to Mr Stevens? – Что же случилось с мистером Стивенсоном?
В: I have no idea. His disappearance is a mystery. – Понятия не имею. Его исчезновение – это загадка.

A: Did you hear the weather forecast? – Ты слышал прогноз погоды?
B: Yes, it’s going to be mostly cloudy with a few showers tomorrow. – Да, главным образом завтра будет облачно с небольшим количеством ливней.

A: How did the ancient Greeks predict the future? – Как древние греки предсказывали будущее?
B: They consulted the oracle of Apollo at Delphi. – Они спрашивали у оракула Аполлона в Дельфи.

A: This statue has been carved with such detail that it almost looks real. – Статуя была вырезана так детально, что она выглядела почти реально.
B: It’s gorgeous, isn’t it? – Она великолепна, не так ли?

Exercise 4. Fill in the gaps with the correct word. Use the collocations to complete the sentences.

Упражнение 4. Вставить слова и полученные сочетания испoльзовать в предложениях.


• conveyor • shop • passport • board • check-in

1) __ control
2) departures __
3) __ belt
4) __ desk
5) duty-free __

1) I always buy something nice from the __ before my flight.
2) The __ suddenly stopped and I panicked.
3) If we look at the __ we’ll know if our flight will be leaving on time.
4) The lady at the __ gave us a seat by the window.
5) They stopped us at __ because our passports had expired.

1) passport control – паспортный контроль
2) departures board – табло с указанием информации от отправлении
3) conveyer belt – транспортная лента
4) check-in desk – стойка регистрации
5) duty-free shop – магазин дьюти-фри

1) I always buy something nice from the duty-free shop before my flight. – Перед полетом я всегда покупаю что-нибудь приятное в магазине дьюти-фри.

2) The conveyer belt suddenly stopped and I panicked. – Транспортная лента внезапно остановилась, и я запаниковал.

3) If we look at the departures board we’ll know if our flight will be leaving on time. – Если мы посмотрим на табло отправления, то узнаем, вовремя ли отправится наш рейс.

4) The lady at the check-in desk gave us a seat by the window. – Леди у стойки регистрации дала нам место у окна.

5) They stopped us at passport control because our passports had expired. – Они остановили нас на паспортном контроле, потому что наши паспорта были просрочены.