Spotlight 11, Word Perfect 3

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из учебника Spotlight 11 из раздела Word Perfect, Module 3.


Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps with the following verbs in the appropriate form: contact, pay, shoplift, threaten, find, confess.
Упражнение 1. Вставить слова.


1) If you are caught running a red light, you have to __ a big fine.
2) As soon as I realised that my house had been broken into, I __ the police.
3) The woman they arrested __ to the crime late last night.
4) The judge __ the three boys guilty of vandalising school property.
5) My mum __ to take away my MP3 player if I don’t do well on my exams.
6) Mike was caught __ yesterday. He had stolen some batteries and a pair of gloves.

1) If you are caught running a red light, you have to pay a big fine. – Если вас поймали перебегающим дорогу на красный свет, то вы должны заплатить большой штраф.

2) As soon as I realised that my house had been broken into, I contacted the police. – Как только я понял, что в мой дом проникли грабители, я связался с полицией.

3) The woman they arrested confessed to the crime late last night. – Женщина, которую они арестовали, призналась в преступлении прошлой ночью.

4) The judge found the three boys guilty of vandalising school property. – Судья признала трех мальчиков виновными в вандализме по ото=ношению к школьной собственности.

5) My mum threatened to take away my MP3 player if I don’t do well on my exams. – Моя мама пригрозила мне забрать мой MP3-проигрыватель, если я плохо сдам экзамены.

6) Mike was caught shoplifting yesterday. He had stolen some batteries and a pair of gloves. – Вчера Майка поймали за кражей в магазине. Он украл батарейки и пару перчаток.

Exercise 2. Complete the exchanges with the phrases in the correct form.
Упражнение 2. Вставить фразы в правильной форме.


• have no right • have the right to • have the responsibility to • do one’s bit • take responsibility for • stand up for one’s rights

A: The police officer informed him that he __ a lawyer.
B: That’s only fair.

A: You __ to be here! Get out now!
B: Please, just listen to what I have to say.

A: Why do you work so late every day?
B: As the team leader of our project, I feel that I __ do so.

A: Who’s going to __ sending out the wedding invitations?
В: I think Mary started sending some out already.

A: Anna’s husband is very obsessive and controlling.
B: That’s terrible! She should __ .

A: We should all __ to protect the environment.
B: You’re right! We should take responsibility immediately.

A: The police officer informed him that he had the right to a lawyer. – Полицейский проинформировал его о праве на адвоката.
B: That’s only fair. – Это весьма справедливо.

A: You have no right to be here! Get out now! – У вас нет права находиться здесь! Выходи сейчас же!
B: Please, just listen to what I have to say. – Пожалуйста, просто послушайте, что мне необходимо сказать.

A: Why do you work so late every day? – Почему вы работаете так поздно каждый день?
B: As the team leader of our project, I feel that I have the responsibility to do so. – В качестве руководителя команды нашего проекта, я чувствую ответственность так поступать.

A: Who’s going to take responsibility for sending out the wedding invitations? – Кто возьмет обязанность разослать приглашения на свадьбу?
В: I think Mary started sending some out already. – Я думаю, что Марк уже начал рассылку.

A: Anna’s husband is very obsessive and controlling. – Муж Анна одержим страстью все контролировать.
B: That’s terrible! She should stand up for her rights. – Это ужасно! Ей следует отстаивать свои права.

A: We should all do our bit to protect the environment. – Нам всем следует внести свой вклад для защиты окружающей среды.
B: You’re right! We should take responsibility immediately. – Ты прав! Нам срочно следует взять на себя ответственность за это.

Exercise 3. Circle the correct item.
Упражнение 3. Определить правильное слово.


1) The young man shivered / pointed in the cold.
2) The two dogs were laying / growling from behind the gate.
3) The burglar pleaded / muttered with the police officer to set him free.
4) I threw out the old steeples / rags that I found in the basement.
5) He will use any means / winnings he can to get what he wants.
6) It took them a while to realise / identify that their bags had been stolen.

1) The young man shivered in the cold. – Молодой человек дрожал на холоде.
2) The two dogs were growling from behind the gate. – Две собаки рычали за забором.
3) The burglar pleaded with the police officer to set him free. – Грабитель просил полицейского отпустить его.
4) I threw out the old rags that I found in the basement. – Я выкинул старые тряпки, которые я нашел в подвале.
5) He will use any means he can to get what he wants. – Он будет использовать любые средства, которые сможет, чтобы получить то, что хочет.
6) It took them a while to realise that their bags had been stolen. – У них ушло некоторое время на то, чтобы понять, что их сумки были украдены.

Exercise 4. Complete the text with the words in the list.
Упражнение 4. Вставить слова.


My Neighbour the Convict

Last Sunday was a bad day for my neighbour, Mr Smith. At around 2 p.m I heard a lot of noise coming from the street in front of my house. I looked out the window, only to see six police officers 1) __ after Mr Smith all around our neighbourhood. The police officers finally caught up with him and 2) __ him on the spot. It was obvious that Mr Smith had 3) __ the law. Word has it that he was 4) __ of fraud against the state. On that Sunday, Mr Smith was taken into custody until his court date. At first, Mr Smith refused all accusations against him, but after the evidence was presented to the judge, he had no other choice but to 5) __ to the crime. He was 6) __ to five years of imprisonment.

My Neighbour the Convict

Last Sunday was a bad day for my neighbour, Mr Smith. At around 2 p.m I heard a lot of noise coming from the street in front of my house. I looked out the window, only to see six police officers chasing after Mr Smith all around our neighbourhood. The police officers finally caught up with him and arrested him on the spot. It was obvious that Mr Smith had broken the law. Word has it that he was convicted of fraud against the state. On that Sunday, Mr Smith was taken into custody until his court date. At first, Mr Smith refused all accusations against him, but after the evidence was presented to the judge, he had no other choice but to confess to the crime. He was sentenced to five years of imprisonment.

Мой сосед осужден

Прошлое воскресенье стало плохим днем для моего соседа мистера Смита. Примерно в 2 дня я услышал большой шум, исходящий с улицы перед моим домом. Я выглянул в окно и увидел только шесть полицейских, преследующих мистера Смита по всему нашему району. Наконец, полицейские догнали его и арестовали на месте. Было очевидно, что мистер Смит нарушил закон. По слухам, его обвинили в преступлении простив государства. В то воскресенье мистера Смита взяли под стражу до суда. Сначала мистер Смит отвергал все обвинения против него, но после предъявленных доказательств у него не было иного выбора, кроме как признаться в преступлении. Его приговорили к пяти годам тюрьмы.